Will the store be closed behind a fence for three years – news Vestland

The case in summary: Kenneth and Anne Oen run a shop in Øygarden which is now surrounded by a construction fence set up by Statnett. The fence has been put up in connection with the laying of a new ground cable, a job that can take several years. The couple say they were verbally promised that the fence would only be up for six to eight months, but in June they were told that it could be up for three to four years. They regret that they did not receive the agreement in writing and have had difficulty entering into a dialogue with Statnett. Statnett has refused to meet news for an interview, but has arranged a meeting with the couple. On Thursday last week, Anne and Kenneth Oen were met by a construction fence in front of the shop they run on Blomøyna in the north of Øygarden, west of Bergen. The construction fence surrounded the entire parking lot in front of the store, and lay close to their entrance. – It felt like we and what we have tried to achieve here was not worth a damn, says Anne to news. It was BA who first mentioned the case. Inside the fence, the contractors must have rigging space and store equipment. Photo: Martin Værum Anda / news The fence has been put up in connection with the laying of a new underground cable in Øygarden, a job Statnett expects to take several years to complete. Although the couple signed a written agreement last year, they believe that the fence has been erected in violation of verbal promises from Statnett. From eight months to four years, Statnett has been given the right to expropriate property in connection with the work on the underground cable. The couple received written notice that the car park outside the shop was to be used as a rig site last spring. Concerned about how this would affect store operations, they called the listed contact person. The couple say they were then relieved that the space would only be used for the last six to eight months of the project. Kenneth Oen reckons that he had three long telephone conversations with contact persons to hear how this would affect their store operations before he signed the request for discretion. Photo: Martin Værum Anda / news – Then I thought that I should stand for this, says Kenneth Oen, who signed in the belief that this was true. But in June they were told that the fence would already go up on 21 August this year, and could remain standing for three to four years. Anne Oen says they have been dependent on being well visible from the road. Weekend tourists from Bergen who come by by chance have been important customers for them. Photo: Martin Værum Anda / news – It will be a tough fight to survive, he says. – No one will believe that there is an interior design shop behind these fences, agrees the wife. Now Kenneth regrets that they did not get all the agreements in writing. “It’s the biggest mistake I’ve made, trusting a state-owned company,” he says. Can’t get in touch Anne says she is disappointed with the communication with Statnett. – We have tried to enter into a dialogue with them, but it has not been easy. We have not heard each other at all. Their experience is that it was first through the media that they made contact with Statnett. – We want to enter into dialogue. But that we have to go through the media to get there, that’s not right, says Kenneth. Kenneth Oen says he sees the value of a new underground cable, but is shocked by the way Statnett has met them. Photo: Martin Værum Anda / news Invited to a meeting Statnett has received a summary of the couple’s experience of their behavior in the case from news. They have refused to meet news for an interview on the matter, but project manager Leif Espen Middelthon Kiær has answered questions in writing. They state that they have arranged a meeting with the couple on Friday this week. – Communication with landowners takes place both verbally and in writing, and written agreements are entered into with the relevant landowners. In this case, a written agreement was entered into that covers the use of the space in front of the shop in the autumn of 2023. The couple have been told verbally that their area can be used for residual storage after the project itself is finished. Photo: Martin Værum Anda / news Hoping for a solution – Why haven’t the verbal assurances the owners have been given? – If we have been unclear in our communication, it is important for us that we clarify this in the meeting on Friday. – The couple say they are disappointed that they have to involve the media to get their concerns heard. Do they have a comment on that? – Our building manager has previously proposed an alternative solution where a smaller part of the area in front of the store is used and access was easier, but the owners did not want this solution. We have now arranged a meeting on Friday, and hope that we can find a solution. Published 03/09/2024, at 23.06
