Will spend 80 million on offshore wind – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– It will actually be quite a bit, says energy policy spokesperson, Marius Arion Nilsen in the FRP. The government therefore proposes to spend NOK 80 million next year. It will go towards strengthening the ministry, basic investigations, assessing the impact of new areas and strengthening the competence environment. This includes, among other things, NOK 30 million for basic investigations in the Southern North Sea II and NOK 25 million for impact assessment of new areas for offshore wind. – In order to reach the goals we have set for ourselves with power and climate, we must invest heavily in offshore wind. The money we propose to set aside for evaluations for new areas will be critical to achieving the ambition to allocate areas equivalent to 30,000 MW of offshore wind by 2040, says Oil and Energy Minister Terje Aasland. However, Nilsen does not believe that the budget is in line with the ambitions. – If they are serious about their ambitions and plans, significantly more money is needed, says Nilsen. Energy policy spokesperson, Marius Arion Nilsen of the FRP, believes that 5 million for competence building is a weak investment in offshore wind. The start of something big The Government will use NOK 5 million to build expertise in offshore wind in the Agder region. – This is the beginning of something that could become big. It is the first stone in the foundation wall to build a large competence center in Agder, which can eventually lead to jobs, says project manager, Rune Klaussen, in Fremtidens Havvind, which is a regional collaboration in Agder that invests in offshore wind. He believes the money for competence building in Agder is a declaration of confidence from the government. – It is important to make a mark early so that we can take a position. There are many regions that want to take the lead in the offshore wind investment, he says. Rune Klaussen in Fremtidens havvind, rejoiced over the money that will come to skills development in offshore wind in Agder. Photo: Per-Kåre Sandbakk / news – Can make Agder the number one offshore wind region Center Party representative Gro-Anita Mykjåland believes the money for offshore wind in Agder is a good start. – I see this as the start of a future competence center in Kristiansand. In the long run, this could make Agder the number one offshore wind region in the country, she says. She gets support from the leader of the Labor Party in Agder Cecilie Knibe Kroglund. – Agder has been consulted in relation to getting a position in offshore wind. We are happy that the government has seen how important Agder is going to be for this industry.
