Will release the two accused women after the Sian collision – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The two accused women are still in police custody on Monday afternoon. – The plan is that they will not be produced for custody, but will be released. We hope to be questioned by both today, writes Henrik Nicolaisen Kveine in an e-mail to news. He says the basis for suspicion against the two is unchanged. Charged with grievous bodily harm Two women are charged after they collided with a car with several members from Sian (Stop the Islamization of Norway). Police believe the driver drove the Sian car on purpose. The driver is charged with intentional collision and serious bodily injury. The passenger is charged with complicity in grievous bodily harm. Both deny criminal guilt. The accident happened along the E6 at Mortensrud in Oslo. Photo: Munevver Yildiz / news While the driver has been in custody since the incident on Saturday afternoon, the passenger was taken into custody on Sunday afternoon. – It is a bit surprising that she was to be arrested on Sunday, because she had the status that was charged already after the collision. I do not know the background for why it happened right then, says defender Ole Petter Drevland. Police are reluctant to provide information on why this was done at the time. – This was on the basis of information that flowed to the investigation, without us being able to go into detail about it, Kveine answers. The police have previously stated that the charge can be extended. When asked if it can be extended to attempted murder, he answers: – At present, the charge is grievous bodily harm or complicity in grievous bodily harm. Any changes in the charge depend on what emerges in the investigation. news has not been in contact with the driver’s defender Nils Christian Nordhus. The law firm tells news that the defender will not answer any questions from the press. Here, the cars drove one after the other onto the E6 before the collision. Immigration-critical group filmed A group called Alternative Media, drove after the car of Sian leader (Stop the Islamization of Norway) Lars Thorsen, after Thorsen had lit several Korans in Oslo. They filmed the entire incident, and then posted the video on social media. Alternativ Media is an immigration-critical group, which on its own websites writes that they “cover news that the mass media overlooks”. Extinguished Koran fire The Islam-critical organization Sian had lit the Koran in several places in Oslo before ending up outside Mortensrud mosque. There was an uproar when several people came and tried to extinguish the burning Koran. One woman finally managed to put out the fire by hitting the flames. Then she got into a car that was driving after the car with five Sian members. Defender Drevland says the woman happened to be in the area when she saw the Koran that was on fire. He says the woman has not been to Sian before. – She was out for a drive when she observed this, says Drevland. – Why did she get into the car that was driving after the Sian people? – I do not want to comment on that. It is being investigated by the police. – Has she expressed any remorse after what happened? – She was not the driver of the car. There has therefore been no topic in my conversations with her, Drevland answers.
