Will not separate Søgne and Songdalen from Kristiansand – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The FRP decided at a group meeting on Wednesday morning that they do not support the government’s proposal for a change in the law. Namely, the government wants to hold a citizens’ consultation on whether Søgne and Songdalen should be able to secede from Kristiansand. – There is a lot the FRP would rather spend 400 million on than create new municipalities and reverse more. Now the FRP says no to more reversals and spending money on this, says Helge André Njåstad, municipal policy spokesman for the FRP. Only one vote Next year, the government will carry out a digital citizens’ consultation on whether Søgne and Songdalen should once again become separate municipalities. On Wednesday, it may become clear how the majority in the Storting will stand on the matter. Ap, SP and Rødt lack one vote to get 85 mandates and a majority. It is heading for a thriller vote in the parliamentary chamber on 28 November. SV will have its group meeting later today. Patient focus, which counts one person in the Storting with Irene Olaja, may end up deciding the case with the smallest possible margin. So far, she has not wanted to state her position on the matter. Planning a change in the law The change in the law will take place in the Subdivision Act. It must ensure that the government can carry out citizens’ consultation, even if the local politicians say no. It is planned for next year. In Kristiansand, the city council has rejected citizens’ hearings about division twice, but the government still wants a referendum on this. Strong political opposition On Monday, the top political leadership in Kristiansand and the state administrator gathered in Abra Havn in Kristiansand Animal Park, to inform parliamentary politicians about the case. The Conservative Party and Labor Party in Kristiansand are strongly against a citizens’ consultation, and believe this is an overrun of local democracy. Conservative mayor Mathias Bernander is anxious about the consequences of initiating a reversal of the merger. – I am worried that we are losing focus on some of our most important tasks, he said after the meeting on Monday. Mayor Mathias Bernander (H) wants Kristiansand municipality to decide for itself whether it wants a referendum. The city council has said no twice. Kenneth Mørk, Ap’s group leader in Kristiansand, will try to influence those who will decide the matter in the Storting.
