Will lower today’s alcohol limit at sea – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The matter in summary: Kjell Ingolf Ropstad (KrF) believes the blood alcohol limit at sea should be lowered in order to reach the government’s goal of zero drowning accidents. The government has a zero vision against drowning, but Ropstad’s proposal to lower the alcohol limit is not one of the measures the government is working on now, according to State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade and Fisheries, Even Tronstad Sagebakken (Ap). The Royal Norwegian Boating Association believes that the most important thing to reduce accidents at sea is attitude-building work, not reducing the current alcohol limit. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – It is naive to think that you can reach the zero vision without lowering the blood alcohol limit, says Kjell Ingolf Ropstad (KrF). He is talking about the zero vision the government introduced last year that no one should die from drowning. The alcohol limit he refers to is the current legal limit on how much alcohol you can drink when driving a boat. It is at 0.8 per thousand. – I mean you can have the same as it is otherwise in traffic, 0.2. People are used to dealing with that, says Ropstad. He believes it would have given a clear signal that one must be careful with alcohol when traveling at sea. Ropstad believes the alcohol limit at sea should be the same as on land. Photo: Vetle Hjortland / news 203 dead The fact that the blood alcohol level should be lowered at sea is supported by Åsmund Knutson, volunteer boatman for the Rescue Company. – I think that there are many situations at sea that are probably as dangerous as in a car, so the alcohol limit must be lowered, says Knutson. Since 2017, 203 people have died in accidents with recreational vessels. 38 per cent of them were under the influence of drugs or alcohol, according to the Norwegian Maritime Directorate. The statistics say nothing about whether the deceased was above or below the legal limit of 0.8 per thousand. Which situations do you think are difficult to deal with if you have a blood alcohol level of 0.8? – I want to start by saying everyone. Because you lose your assessment skills, says Knutson. Not up for discussion The government has a zero vision against drowning. The aim is that there should be no drowning accidents in the leisure area, and to achieve this an action plan is now being worked on. But Ropstad’s proposal to lower the alcohol limit is not one of the measures the government is working on, says State Secretary in the Ministry of Trade and Fisheries, Even Tronstad Sagebakken (Ap) – The alcohol limit is not something we have up for discussion now, says Sagebakken. Do you think the alcohol limit at sea should be lowered? Yes No Never at sea, so I don’t care Show result He says their goal is to reduce the various risk factors that lead to people drowning. He highlights the lack of use of a life jacket as one of these factors. – What is important for the government is to reduce these various risk factors. That is the reason why we launched a zero vision that we are working on now. Photo: Svein Sundsdal A few destroy – If you want to reach zero vision, then you have to ban boating. It’s that simple, says Stig Hvide Smith as secretary general of the Royal Norwegian Boating Association. He believes that the most important thing to reduce accidents at sea is holdings-creating work, not reducing the current alcohol limit. – You must be sober when driving a boat. The question is where the sanction limit should go. And we are of the opinion that 0.8 is a correct sanction limit based on the current damage statistics. He nevertheless encourages everyone to be careful at sea: – You should enjoy boating as a holiday, but in a way. Be careful, and of course be sober when driving a boat, says Smith. Smith believes that attitude-creating work is the most important thing in reducing fatal accidents at sea. Photo: KNBF Hi! Do you have thoughts about the case you have read or suggestions for other things we should check out? Feel free to send me an email! Published 29/07/2024, at 09.48 Updated 29.07.2024, at 09.56
