Will let Ingrid Alexandra become regent – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

The case in summary For the first time since 1905, Norway has two heirs to the throne over the age of 18. But today only the crown prince can act as regent if the king is sick or abroad. If the crown prince is also sick or away, it is today the government in plenary that takes over the tasks. According to several politicians, this can create challenges in the event of a change of government or the appointment of new ministers. Now six representatives of the Storting are proposing to amend the Constitution to also include number two in the line of succession. Royal House expert Trond Norén Isaksen believes it will give Princess Ingrid Alexandra valuable experience and relieve the Crown Prince and the King. In order to amend a Norwegian constitution, the proposal must be presented during the first three years of a parliamentary term. They will not be dealt with until after the next general election. Two temps at the Castle are better than one. At least that’s what a number of politicians think. For the first time since 1905, Norway has two adult generations of heirs to the throne: Crown Prince Haakon and Princess Ingrid Alexandra. But according to the constitution, only the highest heir to the throne can step in as regent if King Harald is on sick leave or travelling. If the crown prince cannot act as a substitute, the government acts as head of state. – In the vast majority of cases, this will be completely unproblematic. But we can get into situations where the government is dissolved or has to be reformed. Then it will be very unfortunate that it is the government itself that chooses its own successors, says Sverre Myrli (Ap) to news. Now he and five other representatives of the Storting want to change the Constitution so that Ingrid Alexandra can also act as regent. The proposal was put forward for the first time in the Storting on Monday. – It is a principled proposal. But in the current situation, we have an heir to the throne in the second generation who is of age, but who cannot step in if needed. Storting representative Sverre Myrli during an oral question hour at the Storting. Photo: Vidar Ruud In addition to Myrli, the proposal is also signed by Carl I. Hagen (Frp), Marit Arnstad (Sp), Trond Helleland (H), André N. Skjelstad (V) and Kjell Ingolf Ropstad (KrF). This is how the proposal reads According to §41 of the Constitution, the heir to the throne steps in as regent if the king is abroad or ill. If the heir to the throne is not available, the government acts in plenary session as the head of state. In the new proposal, it is proposed that section 41, second sentence, should be changed to the following: If the closest heir cannot preside over the government, his or her child presides over the government as the temporary executor of the royal power, as long as he or she is the next heir to the throne and has achieved the stipulated legal age. – It is very interesting that so many representatives from different parties are together on this. Then we’ll see if there are any objections and whether there will be a debate, says Myrli. – Want to ease the pressure The Crown Prince himself has no stock when he is regent. It may make it more difficult for him to leave the country, as he cannot get a deputy in, says Myrli. – We have a royal house that is very active, and it is not unlikely that one or both of them are abroad and that a situation arises where the government has to be rearranged. Trond Norén Isaksen, royal house expert and commentator, has himself gone to the trouble of being able to let Ingrid Alexandra be regent. He believes it will bring many benefits. – Both because it will give Ingrid Alexandra the opportunity to gain experience for her future role, but it will also ease the pressure on the crown prince and make it easier for him to travel abroad, he says to news. Trond Norén Isaksen is a historian and royal house expert. Photo: Ksenia Novikova / n24336 At the same time, Isaksen believes it is a necessary change. He points out that earlier this year King Harald had to be sick for a long time after he fell ill on holiday in Malaysia. – It is happening more and more often that the king is on sick leave, which is not unnatural considering that he is 87 years old. During these periods, it is difficult for the crown prince to leave the country. Ingrid Alexandra is currently 20 years old, and is currently in her initial service in the Armed Forces. Crown Prince Haakon acted as regent himself for the first time when he was 18 years old. – I certainly believe that Ingrid Alexandra is ready to take on such a task if necessary. It is clear that she will study, but most students also have to work on the side, says Isaksen. AUTHORITY: Ingrid Alexandra was celebrated with a gala dinner at the Castle in connection with her 18th birthday in 2022. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB – And it’s not like she would have performed alone. There are advisors at the Palace, parliamentary leaders and representatives of the Storting to consult with. He believes it is unfortunate that today the government is the head of state if the crown prince cannot be regent. When Health Minister Ingvild Kjerkol had to resign earlier this year, Crown Prince Haakon was traveling in the USA. – It was a very unfortunate situation, where Kjerkol remained in office for another week after the Prime Minister had publicly declared no confidence in her. If a crisis had arisen in Kjerkol’s area of ​​responsibility during that period, it would have been handled by a minister without legitimacy. Does not open to other substitutes Both Isaksen and Myrli point out that neighboring countries such as Sweden, Denmark and Great Britain have similar rules which mean that more than the nearest heir to the throne can be substitutes. But that the law should include other members of the royal house beyond the next heir to the throne, for example Princess Märtha Louise or Prince Sverre Magnus, is not an option, Isaksen believes. – Royals who have their own careers have commercial ties. Those who can act as provosts are those who have a full-time royal role, and that is precisely what this proposal is about. In that sense, I see nothing controversial about this. Crown Prince Haakon and King Harald wave from the castle balcony in August 2024. Photo: Terje Haugnes A possible change in the temporary staff at the Castle will not, however, take place until next autumn at the earliest. In order to amend the constitution, proposals must first be made during the first three years of a parliamentary term. The proposal must then remain until after the next general election before it can be adopted. – It also requires two-thirds to agree, and we do not know what the Storting will look like next year. In that sense, it is impossible to say whether it will go through at the present time, says Isaksen. Published 30.09.2024, at 17.53
