Will let goods transport take over Sørlandsbanen – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The matter in summary NHO Agder suggests that the railway in the south can be used more for freight transport as passenger traffic decreases. Electric buses could potentially take over passenger traffic from Sørlandsbanen. Companies in the south want to cut emissions and see the railway as a solution for more environmentally friendly transport. The Nature Conservation Association is critical of the proposal and believes it will lead to more road construction, increased traffic and more emissions of microplastics. The leader of Jernbaneforum Sør believes that NHO overlooks the need for the transport of people to and from workplaces and that trains are the fastest and most environmentally friendly alternative if they are upgraded. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – It is no secret that goods and passengers compete for the same railway line. When passenger traffic declines, we must dare to think anew. That’s what Trond Madsen, who is a senior consultant at NHO Agder, says. news meets him at Arendal station, a side line to Sørlandsbanen. Thinks bus will take over He believes better roads and increasingly greener public transport with electric buses can open up a new use of the railway in the south. – By 2030, passengers will probably drive completely emission-free to and from Oslo. It will then happen on rubber wheels and not on iron wheels, says Madsen. Such electric buses will be able to take over passenger traffic from Sørlandsbanen, NHO Agder believes. Photo: Lena Heckendorn / Brakar He says that many companies in the south want to cut emissions and transfer more of their transport to trains. At the same time, the capacity is currently too small for both passengers and goods. – The train has not been able to increase passenger numbers after the pandemic. At the same time, many companies want to ship more environmentally friendly by train. The railway must adapt to demand, Madsen believes. The train on its way out of Kristiansand station. Now many fear that there will soon be an end to train operations here. More mail by train news recently reported on a sharp drop in the number of travelers on the route after the pandemic. It is likely that there will be an end to passenger trains here within ten years, according to some experts. Parts of the business community are now showing great interest in taking over this capacity. – We are very concerned about sending mail and parcels in a sustainable way. We therefore want to move many of our shipments onto the train. That’s what the district manager of Posten-Bring AS in Agder, Øystein Bergstøl, says. The matter in summary NHO Agder suggests that the railway in the south can be used more for freight transport as passenger traffic decreases. Electric buses could potentially take over passenger traffic from Sørlandsbanen. Companies in the south want to cut emissions and see the railway as a solution for more environmentally friendly transport. The Norwegian Nature Conservation Association is critical of the proposal and believes it will lead to more road construction, increased traffic and more emissions of microplastics. The leader of Jernbaneforum Sør believes that NHO overlooks the need for the transport of people to and from workplaces and that trains are the fastest and most environmentally friendly alternative if they are upgraded. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. During the next 10 years, he expects a doubling of the amount of parcels and letters to be transported to and from the brand new post terminal in Sørlandsparken in Lillesand. District manager of Posten-Bring AS in Agder, Øystein Bergstøl believes in doubling the amount of mail and parcels in the next 10 years. He wants much of this transport over to Sørlandsbanen. Photo: Erik Wiig Andersen / news Today only a handful of containers are sent from Posten-Bring on Sørlandsbanen. – There is not enough passenger traffic on a single-track railway section for both passengers and goods. If there are fewer passenger trains on Sørlandsbanen, we are ready to send a lot more, says Bergstøl. – Bad environmental measures The Nature Conservation Association has little sense of business’s future visions with the Sørlandsbanen. County leader Peder Johan Pedersen tells news that it is a bad environmental measure to invest in roads rather than railways for passenger traffic in the future. – This one-sided focus on roads only leads to more road construction, increased traffic and more emissions of microplastics. It also contributes to building down even more of the cultural landscape, Pedersen believes. – But NHO points out that in the future people will be able to use emission-free public transport to and from Oslo, e.g. electric buses? – Yes, but even if such vehicles appear to be emission-free here at home, their production results in large energy use and greenhouse gas emissions abroad where they are produced. Should Sørlandsbanen be used for the transport of goods or people in the future? It should be used for goods transport It should still be used for passenger trains It should be used for both parts Show result Leader of Railway Forum Sør, Rune Hagestrand has fought for a long time to strengthen Sørlandsbanen. He believes that NHO misses. – They forget that people must be transported to and from workplaces and that there is a constant expansion of the labor market. Trains are the fastest and most environmentally friendly if they are upgraded. Rune Hagestrand in Jernbaneforum Sør believes that Sørlandsbanen is still the future for passengers. But that the stretch must then be upgraded. Photo: Erik Wiig Andersen / news Read also: Traffic produces huge amounts of microplastics – lower speed may be the solution
