Will invest in blue hydrogen by the Repparfjord – The state administrator skeptical of location – news Troms and Finnmark

Once again, there is an environmental dispute in the Repparfjord in Finnmark. In recent years, the fjord has received worldwide attention, according to plans for a copper mine and sea landfill. Most recently last summer, the fjord was mentioned by Greta Thunberg. At the same time, shareholders chained themselves to construction machinery to stop the project. But another large industrial project is also underway in the fjord. It has been named Barents Blue, and will consist of a factory for ammonia and hydrogen. Last year, the project received NOK 482 million from the state-owned enterprise Enova. Most of them applied for support for hydrogen projects. But the State Administrator in Troms and Finnmark is skeptical. Admittedly not for the project itself, but for it to be located in Repparfjorden. In a consultation response, they write that this may come into conflict with the wild ax and the reindeer husbandry industry. It is on this headland in the Repparfjord that can be transformed into an industrial area. Photo: Allan Klo / news The area is intended for industry – I must admit that I think it is special, says mayor Terje Wikstrøm (Labor) in Hammerfest. Mayor of Hammerfest, Terje Wikstrøm (Labor Party), says that they are willing to fight to get the facility in the municipality. Photo: Allan Klo / news According to him, it has been taken into account that Repparfjorden is a national salmon fjord. Account has also been taken of the fact that industry may come into conflict with the reindeer husbandry industry. The area has been regulated for industry since 2006. Reindeer husbandry and other interests were then heard, according to Wikstrøm. – Then of course the area has gained relevance related to Nussir’s facility there, especially towards reindeer husbandry. Has processed the input Barents Blue is led by Horizon Energy, in collaboration with Equinor and Vår Energi. Enova writes that the project aims to develop the world’s first and largest ammonia factory with virtually no greenhouse gas emissions. This is a daily production of 600 tonnes of blue hydrogen, which turns into 3,000 tonnes of ammonia. Bjørgulf Haukelidsæter Eidesen is the general manager of Horizon Energy. Bjørgulf Haukelidsæter Eiden, general manager of Horisont Energi, says that they will come up with exact times for start-up when they have been able to go through the planning. Photo: Ole Andreas Bø / news He says that they have received and processed the input from the state administrator. They have therefore submitted an updated plan to the municipal council in Hammerfest. This was approved on April 7 this year. The company is now working to be able to answer all the points in the impact assessment. – We are optimistic about the future. It is clear that a lot of work needs to be done and there is a long process ahead of us before we reach the end of all the activities, says Eidesen. An updated plan is expected towards the end of the year. There is a need for a new environmental divide in the well-known Repparfjord in Finnmark. Nature conservationists are critical Gina Gylver, leader of Nature and Youth, says that they are critical of the production of blue hydrogen, which is planned in the Repparfjord. – We quickly believe that there can be a rest in the transition away from oil and gas when using gas in hydrogen production, says Gylver. Gina Gylver, here from Repparfjorden last summer. That time to show opposition to Nussir. She does not rule out that Nature and Youth may also demonstrate against Barents Blue. Photo: Jonas Løken Estenstad / news Natur og Ungdom is one of the organizations behind the protest camp against the development of the Nussir mine. Gylver says that the development of Barents Blue will bring investments, labor and resources into an industry that Nature and Youth believes Norway must restructure us away from. – We are very positive about the production of green hydrogen and believe that this is where we should invest and that this is where the projects should appear. Hi! My name is Trond and I am a summer substitute at news. I love Finnmark and want to write about the issues that concern the people where they are. Send me an email if there is something you think I should check out.
