Will increase the free card limit from NOK 70,000 to NOK 100,000 – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– We want young people to be able to earn tax-free up to NOK 100,000. So we are increasing the free card limit from NOK 70,000 to NOK 100,000. This means that many more people can work more without paying a penny in tax, says Finance Minister Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Sp) to news. This will cost the state just over NOK 500 million, according to Vedum. What is a free card? Free card is a tax card that informs the employer that no tax should be deducted from your salary if you earn below the free card limit, which in 2024 is NOK 70,000. If you are 13 or older, you automatically get a free pass. You do not need to order a free pass. If you think that you will earn more than the tax-free card limit, it is important that you order a tax card, so that you avoid paying 50 per cent tax. Source: The Norwegian Tax Agency. VG mentioned the case first. Motivation for young workers Although the cost to the state is high, the finance minister believes that society will benefit from it at the other end. – If more young people work, society benefits. He sees it as a show of hands to young people who are working. – It is an extra motivation for many young people, and it is good for small businesses around Norway. – Important Last year, the free card limit was increased from NOK 65,000 to NOK 70,000. According to the Swedish Tax Agency, more than 330,000 free cards were distributed in 2023. In the new state budget, the government wants to increase by NOK 30,000 more. – It is important that people work and gain practical experience, and not least earn money and can put it in their pocket and enjoy it, says Storting representative Marit Knutsdatter Strand (Sp). – We know that young people like to work alongside school, education and other things, and then it is an advantage that you can earn a little more tax-free. And that you get all the more pleasure from it, says Strand. Marit Knutsdatter Strand is a parliamentary representative. She is also deputy chair of the education and research committee. Photo: Roar Berntsen / news Thinks it is profitable Knutsdatter Strand says the government hopes this can motivate more people to get a job, and that they can finance housing and price growth. – The Center Party believes that it is profitable for people to be in work and for them to gain work experience. She believes it will also pay off for society. – In the long term, it is an investment that people get a foothold in working life and gain experience. I think that when we count on this over time, it will pay off for the nation of Norway, and not least be very valuable for the individual. The state budget comes on Monday 7 October and this has not yet been adopted. Published 05.09.2024, at 09.15 Updated 05.09.2024, at 09.23
