– Will hit us right in the nose – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Recently, Swedish Storytel introduced AI-generated voices for 25 different releases. – Storytel makes audiobook listening even more personal, says the press release. “The more personal” is presented through five new AI voices that audiobook listeners can choose from when they listen to one of the releases in question: Carin – a female, slightly more mature voice with calm speech Amanda – a younger, female voice with more energy Erik – a soft and slightly deeper male voice Martin – a middle-aged male voice described as honest Stefan – an AI-generated version of the actor Stefan Sauk’s own voice – a strong and dramatic voice 89 percent of Swedish Storytel customers finish a book because they don’t like the voice that reads. – This is a problem we want to solve by offering several complimentary voices for the same book, explains production manager Johan Ståhle at Swedish Storytel. HAPPY: Product Manager Johan Ståhle at Swedish Storytel. The image is not AI-generated. Photo: Mattias Bardå The voices have been developed in collaboration between Storytel and the AI ​​company ElevenLabs. The latter is US-based and world leader in the production of AI voices. – Through the new function, listeners can seamlessly switch between different voices and choose their favourite, says Ståhle. Storytel has previously released AI voices in English and Polish. Hear actor Stefan Sauk reading “1986” by Jesper Ersgård. This is a real recording of Sauk’s voice. Video: Storytel Hear the AI ​​version of actor Stefan Sauk reading “1986” by Jesper Ersgård. This is an AI-generated version of Sauk’s voice. Video: Storytel Can you hear the difference between the AI ​​voice and the real voice? Yes, but I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t know one of them was AI generated. Yes. No. Show result 9 out of 10 didn’t hear a difference When Storytel asked a small sample of listeners, 9 out of 10 said they didn’t hear a difference between the real and the synthetic voices. – People are surprised at how good the quality is, and how difficult it is to hear the difference between an AI voice and a real voice, says Ståhle, who says the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. – That said, you can hear the difference. A human voice is often more dramaturgical and adds more interpretation to the text to make it its own, says Ståhle. Currently, the audiobook company has no plans to expand AI voices to the Norwegian market, but is considering it in Denmark. Would you listen to an audiobook read by KI? Yes, if I liked the AI ​​voice better than the human voice. Yes, I don’t hear a difference. No, I always prefer a human over a robot. No, I want to support writers and voice actors. Show result Right in the face But not everyone is as positive about the new development as the product manager at Storytel. – I am certainly worried about KI. That’s what voice actor Ivar Nergaard says. He has lent his voice to countless roles and audiobook recordings for over 25 years. – In the last couple of years, audiobooks have made up the lion’s share of my income, he says. Now Nergaard wonders if his livelihood will soon disappear. FEAR FOR THE FUTURE: Actor Ivar Neergaard in his home studio. Here he often records audio books. Photo: Aida Khorami/news – I know for sure, based on how it has been in other countries, that it will hit us right in the face, he says. He has heard some of the voices himself and thinks they are getting frighteningly good. – I’m sure it’s not the worst. But it’s a bit flat, a bit boring. – In the Norwegian language, I currently think that AI does not reach us to the knees with emotional register and intonation, says the voice actor. He also points out that we in Norway have an exceptionally large number of unique dialects that are difficult for a machine to imitate. – But they will surely fix that, I have no doubt about that. – So it’s just hidden, quite simply. Not ruling out AI voices in Norway For now, however, there are no such plans in Norway, according to the Norwegian Storytel manager: – Our experience is that Norwegian listeners are very satisfied with the many good and varied voices that stand for reading Norwegian literature aloud today , says Ole Werring. NO NORWEGIAN PLANS: For the time being, there will be no AI voices for Norwegian Storytel audiobooks, says Ole Werring. Photo: Ihne Pedersen / Amedia – So we therefore see no need now to replace good Norwegian voices with synthetic voices, he says. But: – It would be a bit silly of me to rule out anything about something happening in the future. Werring nevertheless emphasizes that he sees no signs of this now. – No, there are no plans now. Nor have we received any inquiries indicating that there is something going on in the Norwegian market today. Should not replace people Ståhle in Swedish Storytel believes that voice actors and narrators need not fear for their jobs. At least not yet. – Our popular lecturers are there for a reason. They make wonderful interpretations of the books they read. They are super important to us and hugely important to our customers. SOFT AND DEEP: This is how Storytel describes the AI ​​voice “Erik”. Video: Storytel Ståhle believes that AI voices should initially live alongside human voices. – AI voices will probably live alongside human narrators in the future, but I don’t think they will replace them. Whether AI voices become dominant in the future, he believes, is up to the customers themselves. – The quality and feedback from our customers will govern this development. The most important thing is that our customers have a good experience. MATURE AND CALM: This is how Storytel describes the AI ​​voice “Carin”. Video: Storytel – Will Storytel have fewer human voices in the future? – I do not believe. Rather, I believe that we will use AI voices to create a greater breadth in the audiobook selection. Today, it is quite expensive to create a sound box production. By using AI voices, I believe we can create a larger and wider catalog of audiobooks that is not possible today.
