– Will have an internal discussion – news Troms and Finnmark

A passing car made by a police car on call at Olsborg in Indre Troms has attracted attention on social media since it was first published on TikTok a few days ago. At the time of writing, the video has been seen by 118,000 on TikTok. Truls Simonsen filmed the overtaking. He says that the police car first drove past his car, and then the car in front. The second overtaking was not far from a turn. – I was a little scared when I saw the other car coming. It was a nasty experience, says Simonsen to news. He expected the police car to come in front of him, and slowed down. According to Simonsen, the police car had neither blue lights nor sirens. – It looked very close before it slammed. – Looks worse than it was Anne Ottesen sitting in the car that came in the opposite direction. She thinks the film looks much worse than how the incident actually was. – It was actually quite undramatic, and I think the police had full control, she says. UDRAMATIC: Anne Ottesen was in the car in the opposite lane. She experienced the overtaking as undramatic. Photo: Privat Ottesen experienced that the police car saw her at a good distance, and communicated with the headlights. – It was not as close as it looks like in the video, she says. What to do when the police drive an emergency: You have to help the emergency vehicle forward. You should stop, turn to the side, or both. You can also show that you have seen the emergency vehicle using brake lights or turn signals, or by placing the car to the side Source: Section leader for the patrol in Tromsø, Yngve Vidding. – Understands that it looks dramatic To news, the police confirm that the incident took place at Olsborg this weekend. – The incident took place during an assignment this weekend. We understand that it looks dramatic in the video, says acting head of the Mid-Troms police station district, John-Kåre Granheim. The video has also been posted on Twitter. At the same time as several users react to the way the police carry out the overtaking, there are also many who point out that the car in front did not slow down for the police car either. Granheim explains that they chose not to use blue lights during the emergency. They will now discuss this. – TO BE DISCUSSED: Acting head of the Mid-Troms police station district, John-Kåre Granheim. Photo: Torkil Stoltz / news – Our drivers train a lot on emergency services, have regular re-approval of emergency vehicles, and can in some cases violate the Road Traffic Act. Due to the nature of the assignment, blue lights were not desirable, Granheim says and continues: – Having said that, we are now having an internal discussion in the district about whether the patrol should have chosen another alternative, and whether the overtaking was correct in terms of proportionality. Granheim confirms that they have received the viral video. – We think it is good that many are concerned about traffic safety. So are we, he says.
