Will have a drug workshop with the police – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

“You receive reports of several young people smoking hashish in a kindergarten. The reporter believes they are selling drugs, as there has been repeated traffic by young people who are there for short periods and see the handing over of something.” This is how the description of the first situation the Police Federation has now created to show why they believe it has become difficult to do a good job begins. In May, the Attorney General issued new guidelines for what the police can do when investigating drug crime. The Attorney General pointed to three Supreme Court judges who said that drug addicts should not be punished with prison for their abuse. It also affected the possibility of using force. The Norwegian Police Union and the Police Lawyers say that people now often do not dare to take action for fear of making a mistake. In the example, the Norwegian Police Union writes that they would previously search. But now: “The boys sit and smoke weed. As long as it is for personal use, there is no authority to search according to the circular.” Read the list with the six examples from the Police Union here: Questions to the Attorney General’s guidelines news has sent the Attorney General the list of situations where many police officers are now unsure of what they can do. He has not given any comment. Workshop This summer, Attorney General Jørn Maurud said that he had spent a lot of time explaining to the police when they are allowed to check mobile phones, pockets, apartments or body cavities. – I think it’s a bit strange, I can say that, Maurud then said of the criticism. But now Maurud has had a meeting with police director Benedicte Bjørnland. At the meeting, they agreed on a workshop. After the meeting, they published an article in Politiforum: “The Attorney General’s Office will take the initiative for a workshop for the agency on current legal provisions, new case law, as well as the Attorney General’s directives, and consequences for law enforcement.” Read also: The Attorney General doubts whether punishment helps Must get clarity Leader of the Police Union, Unn Alma Skatvold is satisfied that the Attorney General has listened to the criticism. Photo: news – It is positive that the Attorney General has taken the criticism and concern seriously, says leader of the Police Federation Unn Alma Skatvold. According to Skatvold, the examples they have now created are common situations for the police. – What must come out of this workshop is that it becomes clear to our members what you can and cannot do in specific situations, she continues. Think the police will get a cold shower It is not just the Norwegian Police Confederation that is looking forward to a workshop on the police’s ability to use force. Kenneth Arctander Johansen, general manager of the user organization RIO Photo: Daniel Christino – Very happy. This is an opportunity for the police to understand what they are allowed to do, and what they are not allowed to do, says RIO leader Kenneth Arctander Johansen. RIO is a nationwide user organization with the aim of increasing knowledge in the field of drugs. – My experience is that the police have struggled a bit to be loyal to the guidelines they have received from the country’s highest prosecuting authority. Instead, my impression is that they have worked for legislative changes so that they could continue previous practices. He says that he has requested that the director of police take control of his agency. – At last she seems to be doing it, and we are very pleased with that, says Arctander Johansen. No comment Director of Police Benedicte Bjørnland Photo: Heiko Junge Director of Police Benedicte Bjørnland first signaled that she would like to talk about the planned workshop, but then together with the Attorney General. Attorney General Jørn Maurud does not wish to be interviewed. Bjørnland has since also declined the interview request. With the same reasoning, she has also refused to comment on the examples from the Police Union.
