Will give students “automatic” income jump – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– In the future, we will link the student grant to what is called the basic amount. This means that the students follow what is otherwise the salary trend and makes the funding more predictable, says Tonje Brenna to news. She chairs the Labor Party’s program committee. The committee is in favor of the proposal after there has been a demand from the students for many years: That the student aid should increase automatically in the same way as e.g. the pensions. Costs more Brenna admits that the move will cost the state more. – Yes, it will cost what we have done in recent years – to increase student aid. But it is an important investment that more people take higher education, she says. AUF has fought for the matter in several rounds. – Linking the student grant to the basic amount will mean that you will not stand still for many years as, for example, under the previous government. Now we are guaranteed an increase year on year, says Astrid Hoem, AUF leader who also sits on Ap’s program committee. The study grant consists of grants and loans and is given by the Lånekassen each year. The study grant is granted from the State Budget and has been both above and below the wage trend otherwise By following the basic amount (G), the student grant will follow the wage trend in the same way as the pensions A G is now approximately NOK 124,000. NSO has demanded that the support must be 1.5 G, but today the support is lower than this. – A resting pillow The Conservatives deny that support was stagnant during their period. The party will not link the support to the basic amount in the same way. – I am most afraid that this will become a cushion by not making a conscious choice to increase support, says Deputy Chairman Henrik Asheim. Right-winger Henrik Asheim Photo: Alexander Kjønsø Karlsen – We say, on the other hand, that student aid should increase more than price and wage growth so that students can get better, he continues Must fight – This has been the most important student demand for many years, now we see that we will taken seriously, says Kaja Ingdal Hovdenak, head of the Norwegian Student Organization, to news. At the same time, she sees that the solution does not necessarily lead to an increase in student aid. The NSO has required the support to be 1.5 of the basic amount, which is a long way from today. The study grant consists of grants and loans and is given by the Lånekassen every year. The study grant is granted from the State Budget and has been both above and below the wage trend. By following the basic amount (G), the student grant will follow the wage trend in the same way as the pensions. A G is now approximately NOK 124,000. NSO has demanded that the support must be 1.5 G, but today the support is lower than this. – If we don’t have a rule like this, then we have to fight just to stand on the spot and rest. Now we want to know every year that the increase is coming, which helps the students, says Ingdal Hovdenak. APS’s output is part of APS’s program proposal. The entire proposal will come in the autumn. Published 04.08.2024, at 19.57
