Will give childless couples more chances – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The matter in summary: Statistics Norway expects that there will be more deaths than births in Norway after 2045. Senior doctor Erling Ekerhovd at the Fertility Clinic in Porsgrunn encourages the authorities to look to Denmark to increase fertility figures. In Denmark, those undergoing test tube treatment get up to six attempts, while in Norway the involuntarily childless get only three attempts. Ekerhovd believes that Norway should also establish centers for sperm and egg donation, as there are many women who need eggs. The clinic in Porsgrunn now offers help to anyone who wants a third child. Previously, couples received help to have only two children. State Secretary Karl Kristian Bekeng in the Ministry of Health and Care says that it is desirable to do as the Danes do, but that as of now no initiatives have been taken for campaigns. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – There are a lot of emotions. Now we just have to wait, cross our fingers and hope that it goes well. Sunniva (30) and Gustav (26) dream of having children. They have tried. Long. Sunniva and Gustav have an exciting time ahead. Photo: Privat We meet the two at the Fertility Clinic in Porsgrunn. They applied for help last November. On this day, the fertilized egg is inserted. – Now it’s just a matter of going home and brooding, the two say, smiling from ear to ear. 16 days later, the test will show whether they are pregnant. The couple do not want to be named with their full names, as they do not know what the outcome of this process will be. Dramatic decline In recent decades, there has been a dramatic decline in the number of child births. There are now 10,000 fewer children born in Norway than there were ten years ago, according to figures from Statistics Norway (SSB). The figures worry the politicians. In her New Year’s speech in 2019, Prime Minister Erna Solberg asked Norwegians to have more children. It is therefore a stated goal that Norwegian women should give birth to more children. Today, Norwegian women give birth to an average of 1.4 children. Statistically speaking, if we are to maintain the population, each woman must give birth to at least 2.1 children. – The politicians can do more Fertility doctor Erling Ekerhovd at the fertility clinic in Porsgrunn believes that the politicians can initiate more measures. Especially to help those who want children, but cannot have them. – There are many involuntarily childless people and we can do more to help them, both by giving them more attempts and the opportunity to have more children. Erling Ekerhovd has several thousand embryos at the clinic. Photo: Anita Moland / news In Norway today, the involuntarily childless are given three attempts. Then there is an end to help from the public. Then they have to pay out of their own pocket. Two simple measures Our neighboring countries are also experiencing a large decline in birth rates, but fertility in the Nordics is highest in Denmark with 1.55 children per woman in 2022. Nevertheless, the Danes are taking steps to increase the number of births. During 2024, the involuntarily childless will have the opportunity to have up to six test-tube tests at public fertility clinics. The fertility doctor in Porsgrunn believes Norway should do as our neighbours. Another measure Ekerhovd believes should be in place are centers for sperm and egg donation. – We import semen from Denmark. The Danish authorities have large campaigns to get people to donate and have a surplus of both sperm and eggs. We need something similar. There are plenty of women who need eggs, and we have to do something about that, says the fertility doctor. – Prioritizing State Secretary Karl Kristian Bekeng in the Ministry of Health and Care says that it is desirable to do as the Danes do. – We want to increase the number of egg and sperm donors, but as of now we have not taken the initiative for campaigns. State Secretary Karl Kristian Bekeng in the Ministry of Health and Care Services says the information Norwegians receive about sperm and egg donation is good. Photo: Bård Nafstad / news – Will the government step in to increase the number of attempts? – This is a professional assessment which, among other things, deals with the possibility of succeeding in having children, and it also concerns the prioritization of personnel resources. Bekeng points out that the number of approved sperm and egg donors is increasing. From 83 sperm donors and 23 egg donors in 2021 to 123 and 101 respectively in 2023. – Advantages and disadvantages Rannveig Kaldager Hart is a researcher at the Center for Fertility and Health at FHI. Rannveig Kaldager Hart, researcher at FHI. Photo: FHI She partly agrees with Ekerhovd, but with a caveat: – You have to weigh the cost against what else you could get for the money that can help families, and make it easier for those who want to have children earlier , she says and adds: – It is important that we do not establish an impression of IVF as some kind of magical solution. IVF can be a demanding process, and not everyone gets pregnant. Hart highlights family politics as a key point. – The family policy has contributed to increasing child births, and perhaps the fall in fertility would have been even steeper without it. At the same time, we have to ask ourselves, is it the case that family policy does not work as well as it has done before? She believes that more research needs to be done on what young people in Norway think about having children. – Why do they delay having children? We need to know more about what they perceive they need or lack in terms of support from society. The embryo is retrieved from the tank. According to the Biotechnology Act, an embryo can be stored until the woman who will receive the embryo turns 46. Photo: Anita Moland / news First in the country As the first in the country, the clinic in Porsgrunn now offers help to everyone who wants a third child. Until now, couples have only received help to have two children through the public sector. Sunniva and Gustav are happy about that. – It gives all people and families an opportunity, even if you have previous partners and joint children. Hello! Thanks for reading. Do you have tips or input for this matter or other things we should write about? Feel free to send me an email! Published 16.06.2024, at 07.54
