Will examine the genitals of school children to “save women’s sports” – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

– If this had happened when I was growing up, I would have felt even more alone than I already did. Lambertseter goalkeeper Zooey Perry tells news about the bill that received a majority in Ohio last week. The law makes it possible for anyone to demand that an athlete on a school team must undergo an internal and external examination of the genitals, if “there is disagreement about a participant’s gender”. The motive? To “save women’s sports”. – It is almost as if attacking trans women is just a simple entrance ticket to be able to attack other people’s rights as well, under the guise of protecting women’s sports, Perry believes. – Personally, I find it dangerously invasive, not only for trans women, but also for intersex people and people who do not quite fit into society’s idea of ​​what a woman should be, she continues. RESCUE ACTION: The bill has been named “The law to save women’s sports”. Photo: Screenshot – Can have fatal results The English handball goalkeeper Perry is himself a trans woman. She has won league gold at the top level in England, and now plays for Lambertseter’s teams in the 3rd and 4th divisions. The 25-year-old clearly remembers how lonely and sad she felt when she participated in boys ‘teams growing up, and only thinks that if she had eventually been denied admission to girls’ teams, it would have greatly affected her mental health. STAR: Perry was named “Captain of the Year” at the university in 2017/2018. In a number of places in the USA, it is forbidden for transgender people to participate in school teams. Photo: Private – It is incredibly important that trans women are welcome in sports, because sports are a major equalizing factor in society. People of different races, religions and backgrounds can compete together without any problems, and it seems like a step back if one group is to be excluded, she explains. The keeper reacts strongly to the fact that American politicians now want school children to have to undergo an internal and external check of the genitals, if anyone has questions related to their gender. – This legislation can have fatal consequences in LGBT + environments in general, not just for trans women, says Perry, and adds that today’s media coverage and attacks on trans people are “uncanny similar” to what gays went through in the 70’s and 80’s. – It is as if society has not learned from the pain and suffering that was inflicted on a group of people at the time, she continues. “Terrified, furious and desperate” The bill thus gained a majority in the House of Representatives in Ohio. Now it must be passed in the state senate, for the law to become final. “This law is a witch hunt,” Ohio Police Chief Beth Liston wrote on Twitter. – Any child who appears “too masculine” or “too feminine” can be asked to prove their gender by invasive and sensitive examinations, the Democrat continues. Liston adds that she is appalled, furious and despairing that the proposal was voted on by Republican politicians, and she is not alone. – Obvious cruelty, writes author and lecturer Tim Wise. RESPONDS: Tim Wise, lecturer in anti-racism, reacts to what he describes as “that conservative politicians are obsessed with children’s genitals”. Photo: Screenshot / @ timjacobwise / Twitter The controversial bill in Ohio is an extension of an ongoing trend in the United States, where a number of states have introduced bans on transgender children and young people in school sports. According to the news agency Reuters, Arizona, Kentucky, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, South Dakota, South Carolina, Tennessee and Utah have already passed laws banning the participation of transgender people. THE WORDS: The politicians voted for a proposal where school children’s genitals must be examined internally and externally, if “there is disagreement about a participant’s gender”. Photo: Screenshot «America’s most controversial athlete» Also in Pennsylvania, the majority in the House of Representatives has voted for a proposal that denies trans women a place in school sports, but Governor Tom Wolf has said that he will not approve the bill. PROTESTS: These posters met Lia Thomas during a swimming convention in March. Photo: John Bazemore / AP Thus, the successful college swimmer Lia Thomas can continue to stand out in the pool, but that does not mean that she escapes criticism. Everything from Olympic legend Michael Phelps to Thomas’ own teammates has been clear that athletes must compete under fair conditions, and Sebastian Coe, the international athletics president, has also been involved. – Gender can not trump biology, was his comment earlier this year. Thomas, who swam on the men’s team for three years before she became part of the university’s women’s team, says that she tries to let the criticism bounce off her. WINNER: Lia Thomas with the trophy that shows that she won Photo: Brett Davis / Reuters – I just want to show young trans athletes that they are not alone. That they do not have to choose between who they are and the sport they love, she said in an interview with Sports Illustrated, where she was described as “America’s most controversial athlete”. The handball goalkeeper in Oslo thinks it is sad that many people think it is automatic that trans women have an advantage on the sports field. She points out that male puberty is largely reversed by the hormone treatments that trans women often undergo, and that the so-called “male benefit” is therefore whispered away. – If I have an unfair advantage, why are the top clubs not in line to sign me, then? Using science and justice as excuses to exclude trans women from sports are arguments without coverage, Perry believes. – Tired of being bullied into silence In the elite classes, the gender debate has stalled for many decades. Researchers, athletes, organizations and experts are struggling to reach agreement on trans women’s participation in top sports, and Laurel Hubbard therefore made many headlines when she became the first open trans woman to participate in the women’s class at the Olympics last summer. The fact that Hubbard was given the green light for participation has in no way silenced the debate. Last month, skateboarder Taylor May Silverman spoke out in favor of denying trans women the opportunity to compete against biological women. – I am tired of being bullied into silence, she wrote in a long Instagram post. The background was that she had ended up in the place behind a trans woman in two competitions, which meant that the trans woman won more prize money than her. This made Silverman feel compelled to speak out, despite the fact that “it is not popular”. – A biological man with an obvious advantage won both the women’s class and the competition for best tricks. This was intended as an opportunity for women to make money, and what happened was unfair, Silverman wrote. Lambertseter goalkeeper Zooey thinks it’s sad that transgender athletes face resistance, and her call to most people is to support trans people. – What is happening now is far too similar to what gays stood for 40 years ago, and we lost too many of our queer brothers and sisters due to ignorance and ignorance then. The same can not happen again, the handball player concludes.
