Will encourage Russia to attack NATO countries – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Donald Trump continues his election campaign to become the Republican presidential candidate. At a campaign rally in South Carolina on Sunday night, Trump boasted that he would not necessarily protect other NATO countries if they were attacked, if they do not contribute sufficiently to NATO. Trump told the audience about something he claims happened at a NATO meeting. – One of the presidents of a large country stood up and said: “If we don’t pay, and we are attacked by Russia, will you protect us?” I said, “You didn’t pay, are you a criminal?” He said, “Yes, let’s say it happened.” – I said: “No, I didn’t want to protect you. I would actually encourage them to do whatever the hell they wanted. You have to pay. You guys have to pay your bill,” Trump told a cheering crowd. The White House reacts to Trump’s statements. “Encouraging brutal regimes to invade our closest allies is appalling and mentally unstable – and it endangers US national security, global stability and the economy here at home,” White House spokesman Andrew Bates said.
