Will build walls up to ten meters high to protect Copenhagen from climate change – news – Klima

New calculations show that in the future the city could be hit by metre-high bodies of water and waves at the height of double-decker buses, writes DR. Due to the rise in sea level caused by climate change, it is estimated that the water during a storm surge could be 4.4 meters above normal, compared to 3.9 meters today. In addition, there are stronger storms that create bigger waves. – This could lead to very massive floods, very large economic losses and, of course, danger to human life. That’s what Adrian Lema, head of the National Center for Climate Research at Denmark’s Meteorological Institute, DMI, says. At worst, the little mermaid could be threatened by water in a future flood. Photo: NTB There could be major floods The result is that large parts of the Danish capital could be submerged. Map showing the worst-case areas of Copenhagen that could be flooded in 2075. Photo: Sund og Bælt / Marianne Skov The coastal areas in the south of the city are particularly vulnerable. The capital’s neighboring municipalities Dragør, Tårnby and Hvidovre are located there. In Dragør’s case, almost the entire municipality will be under water if the worst-case scenarios occur. Important infrastructure In Copenhagen, 2 percent of the population lives below 1 meter above sea level. 4 percent live below 2 meters and 13 percent below five meters above sea level, writes ClimateChangePost. Not only will floods affect homes, but important infrastructure can also be at risk. Kastrup Airport is not only Scandinavia’s most important. With its 22,000 employees, it is also Denmark’s largest workplace. In addition to the airport, important railway and road sections are also particularly at risk, writes DR. Rain and wind are not unknown in Copenhagen. Here from Nyhavn before Christmas last year. Photo: AFP NOK 20 billion On Thursday, Sund & Bælt presented a report showing what is needed to secure Copenhagen against the water. Together with other government bodies, they recommend that walls, dykes and floodgates with a height of up to ten meters be built. It is estimated that the protection will cost 12-13 billion Danish kroner – around 20 billion Norwegian kroner. Exposed to sea level rise In the very long term, the whole of Denmark is particularly exposed to sea level rise. Denmark is now preparing for a future where the sea may rise by 10 to 50 centimeters in 2050 and 20 to 140 centimeters in the year 2100. Below is today’s Denmark compared to what would be left of the country if the sea rose by 5, 20 and 50 respectively meters. It must be specified that experts say that these are scenarios which, even in the worst case, are several hundred years into the future. Denmark with five meter sea level rise Denmark with five meter sea level rise versus todayFloodmap Denmark with 20 meter sea level rise Denmark with 20 meter sea level rise versus todayFloodmap Denmark with 50 meter sea level rise Denmark with 50 meter sea level rise versus todayFloodmap Published 06.09.2024, at 22.37
