Will build down the natural area to invest in green industry – news Østfold – Local news, TV and radio

– We think that Viken Park will in many ways be a very important area for Østfold and Fredrikstad also into a new era. Both through the fact that they facilitate existing businesses, but also that they attract new green businesses, says senior advisor at NHO Oslo and Viken, Jon-Vidar Knold. It is estimated that the project will be able to generate between 1,500 and 2,000 jobs, according to Knold. Senior advisor at NHO Viken and Oslo Jon-Vidar Knold. Photo: Even Bjøringsøy Johnsen / news news told earlier in June about the development plans at Tofteberg in Fredrikstad, which could become one of Norway’s biggest natural interventions. The plan is for the area to house green industry and be part of the green shift. The area has old-growth forest, red-listed species and wildlife. In addition to a dozen automatically protected cultural monuments, some of them from as far back as the Stone Age. There is also an outdoor area. Photo: Patrick da Silva Sæther / news Photo: Patrick da Silva Sæther / news news’s ​​investigations show that the natural values ​​were not mapped when the area was set aside for industry. Several politicians have told news that they did not know enough about what they agreed to. Experts have called the process “absurd” and “one of the most glaring cases” they have seen. The municipality believes that the matter has been sufficiently informed and that all laws and guidelines have been followed. – We need jobs If Østfold does not say yes, another county will welcome the plans with open arms, says Knold. – We don’t need that, and we don’t want that. It is on behalf of both NHO’s companies, but not least also on the employee side and LO Østfold. Østfold waste sorting is planned to establish itself in Viken Park. The post-sorting facility will use new technology for sorting residual waste from households in Østfold. Illustration: L2 Arkitekter – Does this simply mean that you believe that green, vulnerable nature must be destroyed in the name of the green shift? – It is a difficult and demanding balancing act. But NHO and LO are very keen that we limit the harmful effects of the establishment of new industry. We must have as few natural interventions as possible. But we need jobs and new industry for Østfold. This is what we will live on in the future. This is the case The business area at Tofteberg in Fredrikstad will become one of Norway’s biggest natural interventions, if it becomes a reality. The nature in the area was never mapped before an area equivalent to 250 football pitches was set aside for commercial land, news’s ​​investigations show. In the area there are great natural values, old pine forest, red-listed species, protected cultural monuments and large amounts of agricultural land. According to the plan, commercial buildings are to be sunk into the landscape, and occupy around a third of the area. Several local politicians believe they were not sufficiently informed before they agreed to the project. news has also found several ties in the planning work. Those involved believe the bonds are unproblematic. The politicians in Fredrikstad will make a final decision on the plan after the summer. In this last round, a comprehensive survey of nature has been carried out. The administration in the municipality believes that the matter has been handled in the correct way. To be decided after the summer After the summer, the politicians in Fredrikstad will say yes or no to the development plans. Several parties have told news that they will now vote against the plans. But the Conservative Party, the Labor Party and the FRP believe it is important that the project is carried out. Mayor of Fredrikstad, Arne Sekkelsten (H) says there are always deviating considerations. Mayor of Fredrikstad, Arne Sekkelsten (H) visited the planning area in early March this year. Photo: Caroline Bergli Tolfsen / news – Do you have to sacrifice a bit of nature to be able to carry out the green shift too? – This balance between nutrition and nature, it is a very well-known phenomenon. Sometimes you have to make an assessment and say that, from an Østfold perspective, we believe that such a large business park should be located there. Photo: Even Bjøringsøy Johnsen Photo: Even Bjøringsøy Johnsen He says that the spatial plans are superior and that later in the process natural values ​​and other consequences have been looked at in more detail. – So what you’re saying is that the information you’re sitting on now could lead to turning the whole case around? – It may well happen. But having said that, this area was here – it was also in the county plan. So it was also from the county’s side that this was a suitable area. And we took that with us when we had to adopt the area plan. Published 18.06.2024, at 11.13 Updated 18.06.2024, at 11.23
