Will ban Satudarah MC – now they will meet in court – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– We neither agree with the facts nor the law, says Usama Ahmad. The lawyer, together with John Christian Elden, will represent the MC club when the case will now go to court. Three days have been set aside for the case, which starts on March 29. Both the public prosecutor and Satudarah’s lawyers can present witnesses. Ahmad is also the defender of the 38-year-old who has been appointed as leader of Satudarah MC in Oslo. He acknowledges that several of the members of the club have criminal records, but denies that the club itself is criminal. – Will the president of the club testify? – I currently have no comment on that, he says. The first time State attorney Ingelin Hauge will take the case to court. – For it to be a criminal offense to participate in a criminal gang, the association must be prohibited. It is the court that has the authority to decide on a ban, she has previously told news. Hauge has also previously said that she does not want to go into the concrete basis on which they base the case before it has been dealt with in court, but that in general they will look at information from old criminal cases. – We believe that Satudarah MC is a criminal gang, which with regard to structure and fear capital and history of violence may be affected by the new provisions in the Criminal Procedure Act, she told news in January this year. In 2021, a new law was introduced that allows the court to ban criminal gangs. When Satudarah and the public prosecutor in Oslo now meet in court, it will be the first time the law is put to the test. Ingelin Hauge has authored the petition to the Oslo District Court. Photo: Truls Alnes Antonsen / news – We have no previous cases to lean on, since this law has never been tried in court before. Therefore, we have to look at cases from other countries or cases that have been dealt with in the European Court of Human Rights, says Ahmad to news. Internationally, the MC club is notorious for drug crime, violence and organized crime. It is described as a so-called 1% club. When Satudarah tried to establish themselves in Eastern Norway in 2018, they quickly came under the police’s spotlight. The police have previously stated to news that they believe the main purpose of Satudarah in Norway is to carry out crime. Anders Rasch-Olsen in the police believes that the members of the MC club do not have a particularly great interest in motorcycles. Photo: SIMON SOLHEIM / news They believe the gang has shown the will and ability to carry out violence and serious offences. – There is drug crime, violent crime, extortion and kidnapping. Things that create fear in society, the head of Special Operations in the Oslo police, Anders Rasch-Olsen, told news. According to news, the Satudarah department in Oslo now consists of a core of 12 people. – What is important for me to bring out is that Satudarah MC has never engaged in crime. We do not believe that individual members have engaged in criminal activity on the basis of their membership in the club. Many have a criminal record that goes back a long way, and it has not been changed by membership. Some have never committed a crime, while some have not committed criminal offenses after becoming members, says Ahmad. Several incidents of violence The police fear conflicts between Satudarah and other criminal circles in Eastern Norway. They see with concern that the violence is moving out into the streets and into public space, where it also risks affecting innocent people. The stabbing in Lillestrøm in December and the shooting in Oslo in January join a long series of cases the police are investigating where the perpetrators are said to be connected to the Satudarah MC. On 15 January 2023, there will be a shooting at the National Theater in the open. Two people are injured but survive. The accused flee the country but are returned. If the court decides on a ban, it will mean that it will be illegal to continue the activity and recruit new members. It will also become illegal to dress in Satudarah vests and other clothing representing the club. – We believe it is the right tool for us to prevent expansion, further participation and recruitment into certain gangs, says Rasch-Olsen to news. Tip news’s ​​crime group: Do you have information about this case or other crime cases? Contact news’s ​​crime group. You can tip us off by e-mail or through news’s ​​encrypted notification service. Here you can tip us anonymously. We also treat all tips confidentially, in line with the Vær varsom poster’s rules on source protection.
