Who blew up the Nord Stream gas pipelines? – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

On September 23, 2022, the sailboat Andromeda returned to the pleasure boat harbor outside the northern German city of Rostock. Four days later, the world woke up to the news that there had been an explosion on the Nord Stream gas pipeline. Was Andromeda leased by a Ukrainian commando group that wanted to cut off Russian gas supplies to Europe, thereby depriving Russia of revenue to continue its war of aggression against Ukraine? This is today one of the main theories about what happened when three out of four gas pipes in the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines were blown up at the end of September 2022. But we are still waiting for the official investigations that the German, Swedish and Danish police are carrying out . The case has strong political undertones and politicians in the West do not quite know how to handle it. Could it still be Russia that was behind the explosions, either to create an energy crisis in Europe or as part of a so-called false flag operation, where the aim was to put Ukraine in a bad light? This is the sailboat that may have been used in connection with the explosion of the Nord Stream pipes. Photo: Reuters Four explosions We know the facts. On 26 September 2022, four explosions were registered along the four pipes that make up Nord Stream 1 and 2, the four gas pipelines from Russia to northern Germany through the Baltic Sea. The first occurred at 02-03 at night south-east of the Danish island of Bornholm and created a 10-metre opening in one pipe of Nord Stream 2. 17 hours later there were three new explosions 75 kilometers further north-east, where the two pipes in Nord Stream 1 was destroyed. The same pipe in Nord Stream 2 that had been blown up earlier in the day was also attempted to be blown up this time, with only minor damage. This map shows the explosion locations at the Nord Stream lines on 26 September 2022. Photo: Susanne Stubberud Room The second pipe in Nord Stream 2 was therefore not destroyed, which may indicate that the saboteurs made a mistake when they deployed the last three charges. Frederiksen: – Talks about deliberate actions Four gas pipelines from Russia to Germany Nord Stream is a collective name for four gas pipelines from Russia to Germany. The two that make up Nord Stream 1 run from Vyborg not far from the border with Finland to Lubmin outside Greifswald in Germany. The 1,222 kilometer long lines were opened in 2011 and 2012. Nord Stream 2 runs further south from the town of Ust-Luga, not far from the border with Estonia. 1,234 kilometers later it also ends in Greifswald and Germany. Nord Stream was built in two stages. But Nord Stream 2 was never used for the export of Russian gas to Germany and Europe. Photo: Bernd Wuestneck / AP On September 27, 2022, the world woke up to the sensational images of large amounts of gas bubbling up from the grey-blue Baltic Sea. This was seven months after Russia had brutally attacked neighboring Ukraine. Just under a month earlier, Russia had stopped the shipment of gas through Nord Stream 1, formally for the overhaul of the pipes. Nord Stream 2 had never come into use. But there was gas in all four gas pipes. They were so-called pressurized, waiting for the gas flow to start up again in full. Was Russia behind it? The first speculations in the West pointed towards Russia, and that they were trying to put additional pressure on Europe by creating energy shortages. But Russia flatly rejected the allegations. They pointed out that it was precisely the West and the USA that had wanted to stop Russian gas exports. The crown evidence that was drawn out were statements by US President Joe Biden on 6 February 2022. He said the US would ensure that there was an end to Nord Stream 2 if Russia attacked Ukraine. But little by little, the focus has been directed towards the sailing boat Andromeda and what may point in the direction of an operation carried out by people connected to Ukrainian intelligence. In the wake of Andromeda The state-run German media house ZDF has, in collaboration with the weekly magazine Der Spiegel, followed in the footsteps and wake of Andromeda, from the time it set sail from Marine Höhe Düne on 6 September 2022, until the boat was delivered back on 23 September. . The sailboat was rented by a 54-year-old Ukrainian woman who is presented as Nataliia A. and who said she represented the company Feeria Lwowa in the Polish capital Warsaw. The journalists quickly found out that no such company exists, and that the man who appeared in the leisure boat harbor outside Rostock was probably operating under a false passport. Admittedly, there is a Stefan Marcu in Moldova, but this is not the same man who introduced himself to the landlords in Rostock. In contrast, the German journalists believe that the man who rented the boat is actually named Valeryj K. and is a Ukrainian officer from the big city of Dnipro. They have also followed Andromeda during the roughly two weeks it operated in the southern part of the Baltic Sea, including near Christiansø just east of Bornholm. Remains of explosives found on the boat According to ZDF and Der Spiegel, German police have followed the same tracks and found remains of the same explosives on board the Andromeda as those used to blow up the pipelines. There must have been six people on board the boat when it stopped by another German port before it went further out to sea. Five men and one woman. They must have spoken to each other in a language other than German. The documentation of the German media is solid. But there is no final conclusion on what happened. Could it be that the six on board Andromeda were operating on behalf of Russian intelligence, in an operation where the purpose was to put Ukraine in a bad light vis-à-vis the country’s Western supporters? And is it really possible to carry out such an operation with significant use of explosives and advanced diving equipment from a relatively small sailboat like Andromeda? And what were the Russian military vessels doing in the area just before the explosions? The movements have been documented, among other things, by news in collaboration with Nordic public broadcasters. Russian radio messages may provide new answers to the Nord Stream explosions Media: Point to a pro-Ukrainian group after the Nord Stream sabotage Warnings not taken seriously At the same time, several sources have confirmed that as early as June 2022 information came from the Dutch intelligence service MIVD which could indicate that Ukraine prepared an action against Nord Stream, without this being taken seriously by the German authorities. According to the MIVD, the order for the attack was given by the Ukrainian defense chief Valery Zaluzhny, but that President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was not informed about the plans. The Nord Stream explosion is, in any case, an undetonated bomb that can damage Ukraine’s cause, perhaps primarily in Germany. Although Germany is now long out of what many have called “a naive dependence on Russian energy”, information that Ukraine has committed what some would call an act of terrorism can strengthen an already strong Ukrainian-skeptic public opinion. But others will argue that if Ukraine is behind it, then this is something they must be allowed to do, in a brutal war where Russia is the aggressor and the strongest party, militarily.
