WHO asks China for information on outbreaks of respiratory disease – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The WHO says they want more information about the disease, and whether the hospitals have sufficient capacity. The medical monitoring service ProMED warns of several outbreaks of a lung disease in China. Children develop fever and signs of pneumonia. – The report suggests a wide spread of an unknown respiratory disease in several areas in China. It is not known where this outbreak started. We are waiting for more details about this worrying disease in China, writes ProMED in a message. – We need more information. There may be known diseases. There is a lot of influenza, mycoplasma, covid and RSV in the country now, writes WHO doctor Krutika Kuppalli. Spreading in the north of the country Northern parts of China have reported an increase in “influenza-like illness” compared to the previous three years, the WHO says. The WHO chief wants an answer from China Photo: AP While the World Health Organization is waiting for more details, the Chinese are asking the Chinese to follow these infection control measures: Vaccination Keep a distance from sick people, Stay at home when they are sick Get tested and get medical treatment if needed Use masks as needed Care for good ventilation Regular hand washing It is not known how China has responded to the WHO’s request. China has reported an increase On 13 November, the Chinese authorities told journalists that there had been an increase in respiratory diseases in the country. China believes this may be related to the lifting of coronary restrictions, as well as the spread of other known diseases. ProMED has followed the outbreak in recent days. They write that there are a lot of sick people in children’s hospitals in Beijing. They also write that several schools are considering closing, and that parents have asked whether the authorities are covering up an epidemic. China reported late during the pandemic What was to become the corona pandemic developed in China for several weeks before the World Health Organization was notified of it. Hospital in Wuhan in January 2020. Photo: Reuters It is now more than four years since the first covid cases in Wuhan. It was not until January of the year after the start that the first official messages came from China. The disease spread in the city without the local authorities reporting to the country’s leadership in Beijing that they had a problem. When the Chinese leadership realized that it could be the start of a pandemic, there was a great national reaction. China managed to suppress the disease with strong measures. The Chinese reaction came too late for the rest of the world. The virus had already spread widely before the first confirmations came from China.
