Whining on the public bedside – Utterance

Recently, there has been a lot of debate of various kinds and from various political spokespersons about men not getting enough sex. Sad things. That people don’t get anything, I mean. It probably goes both ways. Because with every bunch of men who don’t get sex, there are a number of ladies who don’t get plowed over either. Where these political mouthpieces speculate that women will only sleep with men who have an education, wallet and direction in life, the woman has had her own speculations when they have felt unattractive. For ladies, it is mostly about appearance or behaviour-related speculation. Or – what I call speculation, many of these debaters have called “research shows”. In that sense, I can also use this term around women’s speculations: “Research shows” that women are more attractive to men sexually if they have a suitably trained hourglass-shaped body, and if they do not have too strong expressions. “Research also shows” that men like women to laugh at their jokes. Nevertheless, it has never become a political social problem when women with strong opinions, high IQ, or slightly different body types have not gained anything in the city. Historically, it wasn’t that long ago that it was inappropriate for women to have desires at all. Therefore, women have not had the practice of whining their way into bed, as men have a long tradition of doing. She with a slightly different shape who hasn’t gotten anything for a long time, because of what “research shows”, must wait patiently for a kind man who looks past the outside and allows himself to be seduced by the beauty that shines from within. The other, the noise bucket, must restlessly wait for a strong man who will not be broken by her intensity, strong expressions, loud laughter and the solid bones she has in her nose. However, the fact that the women who have the right profile for the male target group choose men with direction is, on the other hand, worthy of great debate. Before, a poor roe only had one sippeguri to deal with at a time. Now we’ve got a whole social movement of men sitting in public and laughing on the edge of their beds because they can’t have sex. Is it embarrassing? Yes, especially for those men who have managed to keep up with the development, those who have managed to get hooked on this century-long change in gender-cultural understanding and inclusion. But, women, isn’t it good that there was finally a men’s committee! For over a hundred years, Kjerringer has been defining and redefining what it means to be a woman, regularly and in step with societal changes. We have obviously argued about rights that Norwegian society supports today, but we have had “sewing clubs”. This means get-togethers with friends, political gatherings for women, women’s groups – no men allowed. We eagerly discussed questions such as: “Can I wear trousers and cut my hair?” Is it possible to be both feminine and strong? Can I be pretty and smart? Do I have to be funny if I have big curves and thick glasses?” and so on. Men may have thought we were talking about them at these women’s gatherings. Big reveal: We’ve been talking about ourselves. This is to find out who we are in this new world we have helped to create. Men have been extremely important in the fight for women’s rights, you can even go so far as to say that if it hadn’t been for men, we wouldn’t have had equality, because it was men who were in power, loved their women , changed the laws, later flagged for Women’s Day and eventually became really cool conversation partners. Therefore, it is sad if men have forgotten to look after themselves in this crazy period of metamorphic change of the last hundred years. Because together we have moved mountains. Maybe men haven’t had “sewing clubs”? Perhaps they have thought that a fishing trip is something similar. Which it isn’t, if you sit in silence, drink beer and enjoy nature. In that case, what has been missing is that men talk to each other about what it means to be a man and masculine in today’s current world. We, the foreknowers, would very much like you to get to the top of the mountain that you yourself have helped to move. So cheers for the men’s selection. An organization that can hopefully correspond to the sewing club, but in a more masculine way. Keep it up, but please stop whining at the public bedside. A little inside info about the modern woman: In our time, bedside whining is actually one of the things that is perceived as unmasculine and rather unsexy. Wow! Was it a bit mindblowing or not? In any case, women have also had a hard time being unsexy in their long period of gender balancing. You’re doing well guys, you’ll (literally) come back strong. A final tip: In addition to the men’s selection, talk together a bit, create a “fishing club”. Without fish, but with chatter. There are some of the guys who have really got the hang of it here. They have followed the class and caught up with social developments, solved that little Rubik’s cube about what it means to be masculine in an equal society. If I were you, I would muster up the courage to ask those guys there for advice. Published 20.07.2024, at 16.46
