– When I wrote I felt a freedom – Greater Oslo

The case in summary • Amir, a 21-year-old from Oslo, will soon debut his first solo album after a turbulent upbringing.• As a 14-year-old, Amir was placed in an institution and later in a foster home, which led to him escaping when he turned 17 years.• For a year, Amir lived from sofa to sofa, worked in several places and wrote lyrics whenever he got the chance.• He started writing after attending a spontaneous writing course at a local youth center, which gave him an outlet for his feelings and thoughts.• Some of the lyrics he wrote have become songs on the album that will be released soon.• In the autumn, Amir will move to Alta to study to become a social worker, and currently has no further plans for music. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – I feel my life is a fever dream. Half a year ago, the 21-year-old warmed up for the Norwegian hip-hop legend Tommy Tee at Sentrum Scene. Before long, he will release his first album under the stage name “amir.”. But the road there has been anything but easy for the Oslo boy. – I have gone through things that not everyone else has had to go through. Amir approached the manager, Akram Nahiry, himself. It was the start of the artist’s career for the 21-year-old. Photo: Emilie Lykke / news Chaotic childhood As a 14-year-old, Amir was placed in an institution. He himself describes the times as turbulent. – I felt like an orphan. I didn’t have anyone around me looking at what I was doing and saying “this is good”. After a year, Amir wanted to move, but because he was so young, he couldn’t move to his own apartment. Instead, he ended up in a foster home on the western edge of Oslo. The album, which will be released soon, gives an insight into the life of the artist. Photo: Emilie Lykke / news – It felt completely wrong. I felt I was being given “new parents” and that was not how I wanted it. The lack of belonging led him to run away when he turned 17. – I knew that the day I turned 18, they would have to stop looking for me. Was a “sofa surfer” For a year, Amir lived from sofa to sofa, bag to bag. While trying to figure out his own future, he took on several different jobs. From a volunteer in the Blue Cross to a gardener at the cemetery. The range was great, but for Amir the most important thing was that he was working on something he liked. – I wanted to do something that I enjoyed, that gave me something, while trying to survive financially. – I would never have achieved what I have achieved without the support of my manager, says Amir. Photo: Emilie Lykke / news But even though life offered an unpredictable everyday life, there was one thing he stuck to all the way. – I wrote every time I got the opportunity. It sounds strange, but the notes app on my mobile has been my best friend. Found an outlet It all started with a spontaneous writing course at a local youth centre. – It was a friend who wanted to take the course, I just joined, he says and continues: – I had never thought anything about writing or making music, but when I wrote I felt a freedom. In addition to writing, Amir is very fond of reading poetry. Photo: Emilie Lykke / news Amir says that he found an outlet for his feelings and thoughts that day. – I’ve always been quiet, I haven’t told much about things I’ve experienced or what I think about. Today, he estimates that he has between 15,000-20,000 notes with texts on his mobile phone. Some of these have now become songs on the album “Children of the world”, which will be released on 16 August. – When I made the album, I felt that I could open up and talk about my life. It’s something I’ve been missing. Importance of offers for young people Offers, such as writing courses, can help young people express their feelings. This is the opinion of Line Toft Hansen, head of press at Mental Health Youth. – That is why it is so important to offer such offers, it can have a very healing effect for many. Press manager at Mental Health Youth, Line Toft Hansen. Photo: Lukas Stranger Commissioner Belonging, cohesion and community are key words for young people to have a good time, according to the press manager. – Through such offers, young people can find their group, a sense of unity and a place where they belong. – It is quite crucial to feel good, to feel that you are seen. Toft Hansen says she is impressed by Amir’s story, and believes it is important to highlight the good stories. – Fortunately, there are very many of them, although we often hear a lot about the others, especially in the media. Moving north In the autumn, the 21-year-old will move to Alta, where he will study to become a social worker. – The goal is to be the person for others that I feel I was missing in my life. Amir is looking forward to moving north. He will continue writing, but he is unsure if there will be a new album. Photo: Emilie Lykke / news But despite albums and concerts, Amir currently has no further plans for music. – What I say in the album are things I would say to a psychologist. I don’t feel I have anything more to add at the place I am in life now – What I love is writing, and now I have written what I wanted to write. Hi! Do you have any thoughts on the matter, or tips for something else I should look into? Send me an e-mail: [email protected] Published 28.07.2024, at 21.46
