When I get older – Speech

When I get older, I want to be the kind of old man who skateboards, who listens to cool music. Not the kind of old person who likes old music. I want to be an old man who travels to big cities, not someone who is driven to his childhood home by his own children on a Saturday. I want to be an old man who mows the lawn on the football field and not an old man who only watches football on TV. I want to be an old man who goes for long walks and spends the night in the forest, not someone who needs crutches. I want to be the kind of old person who only urinates when I want to, and not the kind who uses diapers. They also exist for old men, I’ve heard. I want to be the kind of old person who can take part in televised debates about the old and not someone who is filmed with a hidden camera because I am old. Bjørn Nome is a priest in Tvedestrand. Likes old things, old books, old stories, old hymns, old people and is even a little older than last year. Photo: Private I want to be an old man who can tell about the old days, someone who has not forgotten them. I want to be an old man that people will say built the country, not an old man that the money is just used up. I want to be an old man that people want, so they can say, “he was fit.” Not the kind of old person who takes a long time to get into the car, and lingers so that the younger ones don’t have time to do what they have to. I want to be an old person who likes new and trendy food, not someone who likes old food. Such food that has been left to dry or has been in brine for a long, really long time, or in lye. I want to be an old man who has white teeth and not an old man who gets leftover food in them. I want to be an old person that people will like, because nobody likes an old person who is really old. Nobody wants to see old people like that. I want to be an old man who can see well, and an old man whom people like to see. So that they don’t have to see what they will look like when they get old.
