What do you remember from the royal year 2022? – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

1/13 Education for future queen Photo: Eskil Wie Furunes / news In January, Princess Ingrid Alexandra turned 18 and gave her first personal interview. What did she tell her mother, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, wants her to be educated as? Doctor Journalist Chief Justice 2/13 Visit before the 18th birthday Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB The day before the 18th birthday, Princess Ingrid Alexandra had a “round of visits”. Who or what was she visiting? Universities and colleges Other 18-year-olds The Storting, the Supreme Court and the Prime Minister’s office 3/13 Historical image Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB In connection with the celebration of Princess Ingrid Alexandra’s 18th birthday at the Palace, a photo was taken of her together with some other young people royal. Why was the image historic? It showed the five young heirs to the throne – Europe’s future heads of state – together for the first time It was the first picture of Ingrid Alexandra with a tiara Never before has the average age of those photographed in the Bird Room been so low 4/13 Dugnad Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB In February, Crown Prince Haakon visited DNT’s volunteer group at Skar in Maridalen in Oslo, where he, among other things, ate waffles and talked to them around the bonfire. Why was the crown prince there? It was International Waffle Day, and the Crown Prince is so fond of waffles 2022 is the Year of Volunteering, for which the Crown Prince is the royal patron He was to open a new DNT cabin 5/13 Rockekonge Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB King Harald’s older sister Princess Astrid filled 90 years earlier this year and continues to carry out assignments for the royal household. She has served three Norwegian kings – and charmed a rock king. Who was it? Elvis Presley Mick Jagger Åge Aleksandersen 6/13 Expedition Photo: Harald Dag Jølle / Handout UIT.no / NTB In May, Crown Prince Haakon set out on an expedition. Where did the trip go? He walked the length of Norway He walked the pilgrimage route He crossed the Greenland ice sheet 7/13 Relatives Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II died this autumn, aged 96. She and King Harald were related. In what way? They were triplets Queen Elizabeth was King Harald’s great-aunt They were cousins ​​and cousins ​​8/13 Where did the dress end? Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB In June, Queen Sonja opened the new National Museum. What happened to the pink dress Crown Princess Mette-Marit wore at the opening party? It was stolen The Crown Princess gave it to the National Museum It was auctioned off on the TV campaign 9/13 Queen on the move Photo: Vilde Helljesen / news A few days before Queen Sonja turned 85 in July, she was in Sweden. What was she doing there? Shopped at Godishuset in Svinesund Friends of the queen arranged a surprise party Opened a new exhibition with art that the queen herself has made 10/13 Seilerkongen Photo: James Robinson Taylor This summer King Harald (85) took part in the World Cup in sailing and was praised internationally. What role in the boat did he have? Skipper Gallionsfigur Deksgutt 11/13 The King and the municipalities Photo: Lise Aaserud / NTB In late summer, the royal couple were on a county tour in Møre and Romsdal and were, among other things, in three municipalities they have not visited before. They aim to visit all of Norway’s municipalities. How many are the royal couple missing now? 110 50 25 12/13 The princess process Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB After much criticism relating to Princess Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett’s activities, the royal family concluded: That Princess Märtha Louise must sleep with a pea under the mattress for ten years That Princess Märtha Louise stops representing the royal house That Princess Märtha Louise should not talk about alternative treatment and spirituality 13/13 The Bird Room Photo: Vilde Helljesen / news This year too, King Harald posed for an official photo shoot with guests in the Bird Room at the Castle. What bird adorns the ceiling there? White-tailed eagle Golden eagle Seagull Your result You must answer all the questions first.
