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1 February 2024 at 13:48 Universal breaks with TikTok and pulls all music TikTok confirms that they have removed music from Universal after they did not agree on an agreement, writes the New York Times. Universal wanted TikTok to pay artists and composers more when their music is used in videos on TikTok. – TikTok is trying to build a music-based business without a fair payment for the music, believes the record company, which says TikTok accounts for less than 1 percent of Universal Music’s turnover. The break between Universal and TikTok means that major international artists such as Taylor Swift, Drake, The Weeknd and The Beatles disappear. The breach also affects several Norwegian artists who have a contract with Universal. Among them are Ramón and last year’s MGP winner Alessandra, who both use TikTok to market their music. According to Ramón, TikTok was an important reason why he broke through as an artist. He used the video app, among other things, to promote his own music.
