– Well deserved – news Vestland

Finally, a longer period of fine weather is coming over large parts of the country. – I think we deserve that, smiles Connie Amundsen Vilnes. She used the fine weather to take her grandson Oliver to the river Jølstra, where they cooled off with an ice cream. In Western Norway and other places in Norway where the summer has been characterized by a lot of rainfall, state meteorologist Iselin Skjervagen comes with good news. – Everything from Trondheim downwards will get a lot of good weather this week, including into the weekend, says Skjervagen. A high pressure from the south will lie over southern Norway, which means that many will experience sun and temperatures of up to 20 degrees. The weather will also be fine this week in Austlandet. This could lead to several such days at Sørenga in Oslo. Photo: Camilla Svennæs ​​Bergland / news It’s worse north of Trondheim. – In Northern Norway, it is a different story. There will be more precipitation, says the state meteorologist. – September is more like a summer month. It is not unusual for a longer period of fine weather when we now enter the month of September. – It is the case that September is more reminiscent of the way we remember August from time immemorial. September is starting to look more like a summer month, says climate researcher at Norce and Bjerknesenteret, Erik Kolstad. As a consequence of global warming, all months are getting warmer. Winter is getting shorter and summer longer. September is now more climatically warm than May. – It is quite possible for temperatures well above 20 degrees in September. In Førde, someone chose to use the kayak in the sun. Photo: Ole Kristian Svalheim / news Even if September starts well, there is a lot of uncertain weather ahead for the rest of the month. Kolstad and his team at Climate Futures have looked at the long-term forecast for autumn. – Unfortunately, one has to say, but it looks like the weather we’ve had this summer looks set to continue in the autumn. We get weather from the west, which means a lot of precipitation, but also relatively mild temperatures, says Kolstad. – It seems that there will also be a little more rainfall in Austlandet in September. An unusual 2022 That the weather has been so similar in Norway this summer is unusual, according to Kolstad. It has a connection with what is happening further south on the continent. – It is unusual to have had the same type of weather for such a long time. It’s not just here, there has been a long-lasting heat wave down on the continent and very little rainfall there, and very much here. The connection is that they have had a very strong high pressure and then we get air in from the west/southwest, then it rains a lot here. Autumn will be marked by some precipitation. This week, Northern Norway draws the shortest straw when it comes to the weather. Photo: Synnøve Sundby Fallmyr / news
