Weights fined after George Floyd arrest – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– We have some thoughts about the fact that a security guard convicted of violence is still at work, says police attorney Yvonne Schilling to news. In March last year, a security guard got into a basket ball with a man in the center of Fredrikstad. The guard was filmed as he placed a knee against the neck of the man who was lying down. The handling was compared by witnesses to the grip a police officer used on George Floyd in Minneapolis in the United States in 2020. Floyd died after the police officer pressed his knee against his neck for nine minutes. During the basket attack in Fredrikstad, another security guard quickly came to the scene to assist his colleague. The police have now concluded the case. Police attorney Yvonne Schilling. Photo: Benjamin Vorland Andersrød / news – The watchman put the man on the ground so that he had problems breathing, says police attorney Schilling. – This is a serious matter, where the watchman goes far beyond his authority. The case was investigated for several months, but remained with the prosecution for a long time. The use of time has meant that charges have not been brought against the watchman. – Unfortunately, this case was with the police for a long time. It is mitigating and must be taken into account, says Schilling. The security guard has been fined NOK 10,000 for bodily harm. Seven-minute video news has seen the entire seven-minute video of the basketball attack. It shows the two guards pushing the man down. He fights all the way against and gets his face pushed into the ground several times. It is also clear that one of the guards places a knee against the man’s chest and neck. Later, he has his own hood pulled over his face, after he spat at the guards. The man shouts several threats. The other security guard was reported and investigated after the incident. The case against him was dismissed. The police were also reported after the incident: the Special Unit for Police Affairs has dropped the case. The security guard company: – Full trust According to the law, a security guard must have “satisfactory character”, which means that minor offenses can be overlooked after assessment by the employer. The police believe this case is serious. – Guards cannot use arrest measures, nor exceed their powers. They can only deal with emergency guardians and emergency courts. The matter is serious, says Schilling. A security guard, who has now been fined, held his knee to the neck of a man who was suspected of theft from a shop in a pedestrian street in Fredrikstad. Photo: Morten Thoresen The now fined security guard’s employer, Quality Security, confirms that the security guard is still employed by them. – We did not take him out of service at the time, and we still have full confidence in him. This is a conscientious employee with over 20 years’ experience, says the manager of the company, Dick Hansson. The watchman: – Has been threatened The watchman says that he has experienced the time after the incident as demanding. – I have had my life threatened four times while I have been at work, says the security guard. He believes the case has been created by the media, even though he has now been fined for bodily harm. – I don’t want to comment on it any more. It is a difficult situation for me, he says. Police lawyer and expert in guard law Kai Spurkeland believes that guard training lacks training in what means of force they can actually use. – The question is always whether it was necessary to use as much force as this, and how serious what you are suspected of is. There will be an assessment, he said when news wrote about the case last year. He had then not seen the video in question and spoke on a general basis. The victim himself was prosecuted The man who ended up in the basket fight with the security guard has himself been prosecuted for spitting at the security guard and for hitting him in the back. He was due to appear in the district court on Tuesday, but the charges were dropped when the prosecutor was made aware of the fine against the security guard. – An act can go unpunished if it is provoked. I had to make a new assessment when I appeared in court, as I did not know the case in which he was offended, says police lawyer and prosecutor Elin Fossum. The guard company Quality Security believes that the man who was put to the ground provoked the action of their guards. – This is a case that has escalated for a reason, and what has happened from our watchman is a result of what the man was like, says Dick Hansson. The man who was involved in the basketball attack has not responded to news’s ​​inquiries on Tuesday.
