Weapons trouble shocked the Swedes – the screws on the rifle were loose – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

– A crappy day, I’d say. It’s a disaster for him. I can’t quite explain it, summed up the Swedes’ coach Jean-Marc Chabloz to news. The Swedish camp was full of confusion on Wednesday and Sebastian Samuelsson was in tears after his leg of the mixed relay. The Swedes’ regular anchorman went out on the final stage seven seconds behind Italy in third place, but messed everything up on the stand. INVESTIGATIONS: The Swedes’ shooting coach Jean-Marc Chabloz examined Samuelsson’s weapon. Photo: Anders Boine Verstad / news With three penalty rounds in the prone shooting and a total of six extra shots, Sweden finished in a disappointing ninth place, over two and a half minutes behind the Norwegian gold team. – It’s like a shock. One thinks that it is not true. That shouldn’t be able to happen, not with “Sebbe”. The conditions are very nice, so there is no reason to miss today. It’s very boring, says Chabloz to news. – I have a terrible experience, describes Samuelsson himself. – Something must have happened And even more frustrating was that the Swede did not understand why it went so wrong. – I don’t understand why I miss. It becomes very clear to me when I enter standing. I have a good feeling and feel that I shoot in the middle, but I still miss, says Samuelsson to news. DIDN’T UNDERSTAND: Sebastian Samuelsson couldn’t understand what the problem was. Photo: Anders Boine Verstad / news His shooting coach didn’t have a good answer either. – I can’t quite explain it. I’ve been looking at his rifle now, because all his standing shots he puts very high. He misses very high. And the two hits he has lying are also close. It is very strange, says Chabloz. The Swedes therefore launched a major investigation to find the cause of the collapse. – He is a good shooter and I cannot explain it in good words. We have to check his rifle, says Chaboz. The screws were loose For Samuelsson himself felt that there must be something wrong with the rifle. – My hitting figures have been very high. When lying down, I shoot several centimeters above the dot and when standing I also shoot very high, and there I know that I make good shots. So something has happened, says Samuelsson. – Has something happened in the past? – No, I never took part in it. It looks as if the weapon has had a bang somewhere, so it could be like that. But it is very, very sad. On Wednesday evening, the answer came after the Swedish support apparatus had carefully examined the weapon. – After the race, it turns out that the screws holding the rifle to the stock were loose, says Samuelsson in a message sent to news. – It was one of the toughest experiences so far in my career and I am of course very disappointed. But I continue to trust my own capacity and have already started to look forward to Saturday’s sprint, concludes the Swede.
