Weapon discovery weakened suspicion after the Flisa death – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

According to the district court, several weapons were found in the holiday home. It weakens the suspicion against the woman, says the ruling from the Østre Innlandet district court. That’s what VG writes. On Saturday morning 30 December last year, a man in his 70s was found dead in a holiday home at Flisa in Solør. Last Friday, his roommate, a woman in her 70s, was charged with murder. She was detained for four weeks. The woman and her defender appealed the imprisonment. On Thursday, the district court decided that the woman should be released, which the police have appealed. The woman has always denied criminal guilt. The district court believes the woman’s explanation corresponds to information in the police documents, both in terms of “incidents before the death and incidents related to the clean-up of weapons and ammunition after the death”, writes the newspaper. The woman notified the health service of the death early in the morning on Saturday 30 December. The health service routinely notified the police. – The accused’s explanation essentially corresponds to the explanation from paramedics at the scene, writes the district court.
