Weakest year since the financial crisis – Latest news – news

24 January 2023 at 10:04 Housing numbers 2022: Weakest year since the financial crisis The sales figures for new housing in 2022 show that the year is the weakest year since the financial crisis, according to figures from the Housing Manufacturers Association. The start-up in the first half of the year was at the same level as in 2021, but fell in the second half of the year. The decline was large for apartments at the end of the year. – Sales have been falling throughout 2022, and for the first time since the financial crisis, fewer than 20,000 housing units were sold, says Lars Jacob Hiim, CEO of Boligproduktorenes Association. – Many projects have been put on hold or cancelled, and unfortunately we see resignations and redundancies in industries, says Hiim, who says that the year has been characterized by great uncertainty. He highlights increased construction costs, higher interest rates, inflation, reduced purchasing power, energy prices and the war in Ukraine as reasons for the decline. – The historically weak sales in 2022 mean that the time ahead will be demanding.
