– We will take the trophy home – news Culture and entertainment

On the outside, it may seem that the road to music heaven came easy for KEiiNO. First they won the Melodi Grand Prix in 2019 with the song “Spirit in the Sky”. It becomes even more impressive when you know that the trio had barely met before they signed up. Then they won Europe. Well almost. Joik, pop and electronica led to them getting the most popular votes. If it had been up to the public and the TV viewers, they would have won Eurovision, the world’s biggest music competition. The jury, on the other hand, was not as ecstatic, and KEiiNO ended up in 6th place overall. Nevertheless, they gained a huge fan base both nationally and internationally. Germans, Swedes, Australians and Britons, among many others, suddenly have KEiiNO as their favorite band. Artist and songwriter Tom Hugo Hermansen, vocalist Alexandra Rotan and rapper Fred Buljo after winning the MGP in 2019. KEiiNO during the Eurovision final in Tel Aviv in 2019. KEiiNO is interviewed after the Eurovision final. They have wind in their sails and are recording their debut album with guest artists from all over the world. They are on the way up. But artists are not spared from downturns either. Because in 2020 the first crack will come. The pandemic. – I was depressed The pandemic seemed to stop everything. The promotional tour is canceled and the strong tailwind they had had suddenly became barely an embarrassing breeze. For the southerner Tom Hugo Hermansen, it was extra difficult. He entered a darkness he had not known before. – I was depressed and had to call in sick for a couple of months. I went straight to the basement, he says. Tom Hugo Hermansen thought the shutdown was tough. Photo: Kjetil Solhøi When he had gotten into difficult situations in the past, he had always had the opportunity to do something else. Take on other types of jobs. – But during the pandemic it was not possible. And it also applied to more people than myself, it applied to the whole band and people around us – one feels so helpless, Hermansen underlines further. Another defeat Fortunately, Hermansen gets help to get through the dark thoughts, and “KEiiNO” gets back together. They decide to try their luck in Melodi Grand Prix again. Two years after they last won, they participate with the song “Monument”. Once again, they are the favorites to win the MGP. The odds are on their side. But again, things happen that shouldn’t happen. They lose to TIX and his “Falne engel” – a song that had been given a dice roll of 2 by critic Grønneberg in Dagbladet. Suddenly it was NOBODY who were the fallen angels. They were clearly disappointed. Fred Buljo, Alexandra Rotan and Tom Hugo Hermansen were disappointed after losing to TIX in MGP in 2021. Photo: news – We don’t sign up for fun, but because we take it very seriously. Of course it was boring, and you get sad when you don’t quite get to the top. But one also comes away very strengthened from it, says Rotan. – Completely crazy And they will be strong. A new chance opens up when they finally get an offer to tour in Australia, a country they are very popular in. They are finally going out on the road, showing off and meeting their fans. KEiiNO on tour in Australia in 2022. Despite a number of obstacles, they were able to perform several concerts. – It was very fun to be in Australia, says Alexandra Rotan. Genuine passion for the music, and the fact that they are a safe haven for those who feel outside the majority, are the reasons why they have gained fans all over the world, Hermansen believes. This time things don’t go as planned either. Australia is experiencing the worst floods in the country’s history. The tour is in jeopardy. – We were in Brisbane and looked out over the river. Suddenly there is a house drifting. It was completely crazy. Then we realized how serious it was, says Hermansen. The scandal leads to several concerts being cancelled. And if that wasn’t enough, Alexandra Rotan is hospitalized. – Was terrified. It happened after something as innocent as cuddling with a koala. The embrace was probably hard and the claws stuck to Rotan’s back and down his arms. Something that caused the skin to become infected. Symptoms came the next day during their concert. – I had a very high fever, and was about to collapse in the hallway at the hotel. – I was terrified. I called the hospital and they said I had to come right away. With full concert make-up, she is admitted to the hospital in the city of Ballarat in south-east Australia. There she is in safe hands, despite the fact that the situation initially looks worrying. – They joked that I was the fanciest patient they had admitted, where I was lying looking “sick” with blue glitter make-up on, laughs Rotan. Alexandra Rotan in hospital after being clawed by a koala. Photo: Privat This incident also led to them having to cancel concerts. Zero alcohol Fortunately, everything went well with Rotan. And now they are back in the limelight. A new semi-final in the MGP is on its way. This time too, they are the favorites to reach the final, and it is not difficult to understand why. They don’t play Melodi Grand Prix. – We are like top athletes. It’s hard training every single day, and no alcohol until after the final, hopefully, says Tom Hugo and laughs. KEiiNO approaches news on the way to MGP tests. Alexandra Rotan shines in a red suit jacket. Tom Hugo Hermansen tries on shoes. Tom Hugo Hermansen checks whether the shirt fits. Costume test also at Fred Buljo. Aerobic-KEiiNO With them this year they have the song “Damdiggida” which is about what makes you closed. The song has been described as a mix of Aqua, A-ha and Lady Gaga, and shows a slightly different side of KEiiNO than what we have heard previously. – It will be NO aerobics from now on, Alexandra Rotan says with a laugh. – We have stepped up. It is faster and more energetic than what KEiiNO has done before. We have experienced that it is when we turn up the tempo that the audience is really on board, Tom Hugo chimed in. Alexandra Rotan on stage during the MGP rehearsals, Tom Hugo Hermansen in a concentrated moment. It will be spectacular at KEiiNO’s stage show. Alexandra Rotan is ready to take the stage. KEiiNO is known for spectacular stage shows and extraordinary costumes – and promises that it will be the same on Saturday. – There will be energy, joy and dancing, says Rotan. They do not take the victory for granted, but the goal is clear: – We will take the trophy home, she concludes.
