– We will probably call the parties in not very long – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– A conflict like this can not last for a long time. It affects a great many innocent third parties. It is such a serious situation that we will probably call the parties in not very long, says national mediator Mats Wilhelm Ruland to news. news is aware that there is contact between the SAS management and the pilots, but it is currently unclear at what level the contact is. The Ombudsman does not wish to comment. Ruland still says that he has had contact with both parties a short time ago. – There is no one on any of the pages who has so far wanted to get into mediation again. We will assist the parties as soon as possible if they make contact, he says. SAS: – Waiting for further steps SAS CEO Anko van der Werff, for his part, believes that the ball is now with the national brokers, and believes that they themselves have taken the initiative for a meeting. – We are very ready. We are in contact with the mediators and I am waiting for further steps, but I do not want to disturb the mediation office in a process that they ultimately lead, says van der Werff in an interview with news on Friday. SAS chief Anko van der Werff believes they have taken the initiative for new meetings with the SAS pilots. Photo: Ksenia Novikova / news – I want to leave them alone and give them the peace they demand, to be sure that both parties return. Roger Klokset, leader of the Norwegian SAS pilots’ association and deputy leader of the SAS Pilot Group, says that SAS has said they have wanted to negotiate since November last year – without actually wanting to negotiate. – We have always said that it is unfortunate that we are on a strike that affects so many travelers, but we had no choice but to go on strike when the situation developed as it did through the negotiations and mediations. Roger Klokset in the SAS pilots’ association says they are ready as soon as SAS shows real will. Photo: ksenia novikova / news He points out that they will still be ready at any time to resume dialogue with SAS as soon as they have a real desire to actually negotiate. – So far we have seen very little of it. – But I always show up when Ruland calls me in. – It will be pain for both sides Riksmekler Ruland emphasizes that it is the parties’ responsibility to resolve the conflict. – They’re holding the key. It will require real will from both sides, he says. – When will you possibly call in the parties? – I can not give an estimate, but it is clear that this is not a conflict that can last for a very long time, Ruland answers. The Ombudsman hopes that all SAS aircraft will soon be back in the air. Photo: Simon Skjelvik Brandseth / news A solution in this case will mean that neither party gets exactly what they want. – Both sides must move. Give and take to reach the goal. It will hurt both sides, he states.
