We understand that the communication can be perceived as unclear – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

After many rounds, Oslo Pride chose to cancel the marking on Monday night on the advice of the police. The confirmation from Oslo pride that the event had been canceled came only a couple of hours before the event was actually to be held. Still, thousands showed up at City Hall Square while the rain poured down. Many have criticized that the event was canceled shortly before. – I experience that it is demanding to convey a threat picture that develops all the time and when new information comes in both to the police security service and through the investigation from the Oslo police district, said police director Benedicte Bjørnland on Dagsnytt 18 on Tuesday night. She explains that the assessment has been made on constantly new information. – There was a development in the threat picture. New information came in all the time. In this dynamic picture, it became quite clear after a quarter of an hour that it would not be recommended that this event, which is about pride, be carried out now, she says. The threat level linked to terrorism and extreme Islamism has a doctor of 3, but is now at 5 which is the highest level. Police Director: The threat is directed at queer Bjørnland emphasizes that the threat is directed at the queer environment and that she understands that it is unfair that other events are not canceled. – The queer environment is especially in the enemy image of extreme Islamists. The terrorist attack that took place on Saturday night, where at least the main hypothesis is that this was a specially designed network to hit the queer environment, says Bjørnland. – Then I understand that it can be perceived as terribly unfair because there are other major events that are not about pride, that are not about LGBTQI + or the queer environment and that they are allowed to go without us coming up with such a recommendation. When asked if there were threats directly against the support marking on Monday, the police director answers that they are concerned about protecting the pride environment in the future. – No, it’s not something I’ve heard of. But it is the queer environment and pride that we are extra preoccupied with taking care of because we experience that they are particularly vulnerable no. On Tuesday, the Norwegian Police Directorate recommended that all pride events be temporarily postponed in all police districts. – An unresolved threat news has asked the Oslo police how the communication between the police, Oslo municipality and Oslo pride has been in connection with the event on Monday. In an e-mail to news, the police write that they were in dialogue with the organizer of the celebration at Rådhusplassen in Oslo and recommended that the event be postponed until further notice. People lined up with posters and pride flags. Rain covered on Rådhusplassen Monday night. Photo: Håkon Benjaminsen / news – PST considers that we are still in an unresolved threat situation. A terrorist attack has been carried out, and there is an unresolved threat, they write. The police also write that they are constantly working to get “an overview of relevant environments and people and prevent new incidents from happening”. – PST and the police are working to get an overview of people we know and people we do not know. This means that we do not have full control. Pictures from Rådhusplassen on Monday showed large crowds. Photo: Håkon Benjaminsen / news At the same time, the Oslo police write on Facebook that they understand that the communication may have been perceived as unclear: “We still have an unresolved situation. This means that the situation can change from minute to minute, hour to hour, and he has done so. Therefore, the police’s recommendations have also changed in recent days, something we understand can be perceived as unclear communication “. Encourage the whole of Oslo to come «The queer organizations invite to a joint solidarity celebration at Rådhusplassen on Monday 19:30. Love and diversity should be celebrated, not be silenced ». Oslo Pride wrote in the press release that they send out in connection with the celebration. By then, they had already had to cancel the pride event that was to be held on Saturday. The solidarity celebration would Oslo Pride arrange to show unity after the tragic events on Saturday night. Several thousand people also gathered in the streets of Oslo to take the route of the canceled pride train. Photo: Mathias Moene Rød / news In the press release, Oslo Pride wrote that everyone was most welcome, and further wrote that the police had “given permission for the event” and were responsible for safety at Rådhusplassen. Raymond Johansen also invited “the whole of Oslo” to the event: “Feel free to share this post, so that as many people as possible can come. The police show up and make sure we are safe “, he wrote in his original post. On Monday afternoon, Martin Stand, leader of the joint operational service in the police, said that they had been in contact with the organizer before. – Then it was a question of a small marking. Now it has developed into a very large celebration. We urge that it is not implemented, he told news. Neither Oslo Municipality nor Oslo Pride has wished to answer questions from news about communication with the police today. The police say that they are encouraged to listen to advice given by PST and the police. Photo: Håkon Benjaminsen / news Took part in the event Begard Reza, general secretary of the organization Salam, took part in the celebration at Rådhusplassen on Monday night, despite advice from the police. – We felt a responsibility to do so. We did not trace the police. At both markings, dialogue with the police was involved. The police came with recommendations. It is not a curfew, says Reza. At the same time, she says that she understands those who did not want to participate. – It is of course scary when the police and PST go out like this. I understand that larger organizations will not take responsibility. Then it is the grassroots who must take responsibility, she says. After a quarter of an hour, there was a sea of ​​people at Rådhusplassen in Oslo. Photo: Håkon Benjaminsen / news Samstundes says that she does not know exactly what information the police and PST are sitting on. – But I do not think one has a choice anyway. It is completely wrong to be silenced by terrorists. That is their main goal, and in this context the police contributed to it, she adds.
