– We try not to turn on the emotions – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Head injuries, trauma, damaged hearing. The young men who are transported here to the military hospital in Kramatorsk all bear a strong imprint of the brutal war at the front in eastern Ukraine. A young man lies on a bench, tightly wrapped in foil. He is pale-skinned and powerless. – We were fired upon by a tank. I was hit by projectiles here, says Serhyj to news and points to the stomach region. He says that they almost went right through. – It feels a little better now. I get antibiotics. I think that now. I do not know. that it is a little better. The man is clearly marked by both the injury and the experience at the front. But he lives. SEND ON Serhyj was hit in the stomach. He is receiving help at the hospital in Kramatorsk, but will be sent on for further treatment. Photo: Mohammed Alayobi / news Another man with a bandage all over his face, sits with his head bent forward. The bandage, and the damage under it, makes it difficult to speak. He says that they were going to advance towards a Russian position when they were hit by grenade artillery. – We took the impact from the bullets. It’s going well, says the man, before he has to bend down again and cough. WOUNDED: A man receives help at the hospital in Kramatorsk after being wounded at the front in eastern Ukraine. Photo: Mohammed Alayobi Big dark numbers The two are among hundreds of wounded soldiers from four places at the front in the far east of the country, who have been transported to this hospital in Kramatorsk. Here they must be stabilized before being sent on for treatment in more peaceful areas. At worst, 60-70 wounded soldiers have come in every day, senior doctor Mykhailo Glagovitch tells news. The brutal fighting in Bakhmut, a town not far away, has been compared to the trench warfare of the First World War. We are only 40 kilometers from the front line. After Russia attacked Ukraine on 24 February this year, Ukrainian soldiers have repulsed several offensives. It has taken a toll on both soldiers and civilians. INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF WAR AND AEI’S CRITICAL THREATS PROJECT / news (Updated 13 December 2022) INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF WAR AND AEI’S CRITICAL THREATS PROJECT / news (Updated 13 December 2022) The UN has documented a total of 17,362 wounded and killed civilians Ukrainians since February 24. Among them are 6,544 men and women, and 424 children. But the real figure is probably higher. Putting emotions away For the doctors at the hospital in Kramatorsk, the working days are hard. They see the bloody consequences of the war every day. – We try to do our job and not turn on our emotions. Then it is easier to handle, says Mykhailo Glagovitch. The doctor looks serious. He is not always able to follow his own advice to put his feelings completely aside. – If you think about the major damage they bring in here. So much damage has been done to their bodies. Most are young boys. It is heavy, he says. Russian missiles are now aimed at the power and energy system across the country. People are freezing and suffering is great. Winter is tough and can get even tougher. At the same time, fierce battles are taking place – soldier against soldier – in eastern Ukraine. On both sides there are many seriously injured and killed. Recently, Ukraine said it estimates that between 10,000 and 13,000 soldiers have died. Going in waves At the hospital where Glagovitch works, they notice how the intensity of the fighting increases and decreases at the front in Luhansk and in the north of Donetsk, where they receive wounded soldiers from. In recent days, the weather has led to muddy roads, making it difficult for heavy tanks to advance. – The injured come in waves and it is closely linked to what happens at the front. If there is a counteroffensive or an attack, more will come, says the doctor. Now, however, it is quieter. – Thank God. It’s been pretty mild here lately. Glagovitch worries that it will get colder in the future. – I assume that when it gets colder and vehicles can move forward more easily, the number of injured will increase, he says. CLOSE TO THE FRONT: The hospital is located four miles from the font in eastern Ukraine. The figures may be too low Since 24 February, between 10,000 and 13,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed, according to the authorities in Ukraine. On the Russian side, Defense Minister Sergej Shoigu said that 5,937 Russian soldiers had been killed between February and September. However, these figures have not been independently confirmed. It cannot be ruled out that artificially low numbers are given on both sides, so as not to destroy the morale of the soldiers. At the hospital in Kramatorsk, the activity reflects what is happening at the front. – It is usually busy at the beginning of the advance, but then the Russians tend to flee and then the number of wounded Ukrainians goes down. Hopefully it will be like this this time too, says Mykhailo Glagovitch.
