– We must try to knock some sense into his head – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– It was an insanely tough race by Jakob. It requires balls to run that way there, says brother Henrik Ingebrigtsen to news shortly after Jakob Ingebrigtsen has taken silver in the 1500 meters in the WC. Although Jakob Ingebrigtsen took his first World Cup medal outdoors, he was anything but happy with the silver. – It’s damn good. Unfortunately, that’s stupid to say. World Cup silver is an incredibly big thing to achieve, at the same time I am beaten by people who are worse than me. I am disappointed in myself, he continues. Jakob Ingebrigtsen won silver at the World Athletics Championships in Eugene, USA. Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB Big brother Henrik reacts to this statement. – The silver season after he took Olympic gold is insanely strong and a good achievement. Jacob does everything he can to take gold, then we must try to knock some sense into his head and say that silver is not a defeat. But that he has potential for improvement, says Henrik Ingebrigtsen. – Will motivate Sportsjournalist in Stavanger Aftenblad, Egil Ø. Nærland, has followed the Ingebrigtsen brothers for a number of years. He thinks it might have been positive that Jakob did not take World Cup gold now. – He turns 22 in September. It can be nice to have something to crave. Had he taken the gold here, he would have had World Cup and Olympic gold already. Now he has something to reach for. It will motivate him, says Nærland. Egil Ø. Nærland has followed the Ingebrigtsen brothers for a number of years, and believes that Jakob’s silver may have been positive. Photo: Stavanger Aftenblad Henrik Ingebrigtsen believes the defeat will lead to the brother having a very revenge week towards the European Championships in Munich in August. – At the same time, there is also a pretty good motivation towards 5000 meters here. He probably has such great opportunities for medals and gold there as well, says the big brother. Norway’s national team doctor Ove Talsnes helped one of Ingebrigtsen’s biggest rivals, Australian Stewart McSweyn, without it seeming to help during the night. Because if McSweyn had been healthy, both big brother Henrik and Nærland think that Jakob would have won. – I wish there was another runner who picked up speed a little along the way, so that Jakob did not have to run so much in front. It takes a lot of energy, and Jakob runs one of his very best races, says Henrik. Jake Wightman from Great Britain took the gold, while Mohamed Katir from Spain took the bronze. Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB – Great sports role model Nærland also points out that Ingebrigtsen’s achievement is insanely great, and says that he has now broken the curse from Doha from two years ago, where he finished in 4th and 5th place. In the hometown of Sandnes, people are very happy. – It was a nice 2nd place. I’m really impressed and do not think he should be disappointed with his own performance. He is a great role model for many, says the bus driver Kasper to news. Anne Karin Dugstad had hoped for gold, but thinks he runs incredibly well. – I understand well that he is disappointed, but we are proud of him anyway.
