– We have to look at the entire party leadership – Latest news – news

14 March 2023 at 21:46 Labor Party veteran Berntsen on bad polls: – We have to look at the entire party leadership Former Labor politician Thorbjørn Berntsen commented on the Labor Party’s record low polls on Tuesday. – When we get into the situation we are in, we have to look at the entire management structure. When we are down to 14 percent in the opinion polls, we cannot settle for that. Then there must be changes, and then I think we must look at the entire party leadership, and consider whether we do not need a renewal of the party leadership, at least on a number of points, he says during the Debate. – Does that also include Støre? – Yes, he should certainly be included in that assessment. The situation is that during the time Jonas has been party leader, the opinion polls for Ap have only gone down. Then the question is whether we should do like the ostrich and just bury our heads in the sand, or whether we should tackle this and find out what needs to be done. I have no doubt that we must have changes in the party leadership, says the Ap veteran. Berntsen was for a number of years a representative of the Storting, and he was Minister for Environmental Protection 1990–1997. Half a year before the election, the Labor Party gets 15.5 per cent in the last poll. There are now no issues the voters think Ap is best at. The Conservative Party alone gets 36.9 percent.
