We have a new member in the virus gang – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The Institute of Public Health (FHI) has recently published new figures on cases of covid-19, influenza and other respiratory infections. The figures show that “The number of admissions with respiratory infections is at the same level as at the same time last year, but significantly higher than the seasons before the pandemic.” We ask the subject director and professor at the Institute of Public Health, Preben Aavitsland, whether we have now got a new normal where covid-19 comes in addition to the flu. – Yes, that’s how it is. We have a new member in the virus gang. – How do you imagine that the infection numbers will develop further now in December? – We expect a lot of infection through December. There are several viruses, especially the coronavirus, influenza virus and rhinovirus. Overall, there are roughly the same number of people who say they have a cold now as at the same time last year, Aavitsland replies. Subject director at the Institute of Public Health Preben Aavitsland says we have to deal with a new normal where covid-19 disease comes in addition to the flu wave in winter. Photo: Tor Erik Schrøder / NTB Companies experience high sickness absence On 1 December, Bane Nor reported that they had to cancel several departures that day due to illness. The settings went beyond the busiest lines on the Drammensbanen, Vestfoldbanen, Follobanen and Gardermobanen in addition to Flytoget. Posten has also noticed illness among employees. Press manager Kenneth Tjønndal Pettersen says that in some places in the country they have a higher than usual sickness absence. – There are local variations, but it may seem that there is a wave of respiratory diseases that is hitting us now. In some places, parts of the workforce have been out, says news. Posten has around 10,000 employees across the country. The mail must arrive. Here are some of the cars that will bring the mail to Svalbard. Photo: NTB – How big a problem is sick leave for Posten now? – Until October, sickness absence was lower than normal, but now there are places where we have challenges with sickness absence. In small places, high sickness absence can be challenging, while it is easier to solve in larger places. covid-19 comes in addition Immunologist Anne Spurkland agrees with Aavitsland at FHI that we have now got a new normal where covid-19 comes in addition to the flu in winter. – The flu we are used to comes around Christmas time. In addition, we now have the coronavirus, which has come in new variants. Since the virus comes in new variants, our disease memory for this from last year is not so good, she says to news. Immunologist Anne Spurkland thinks people may be better now than in the past at staying at home when they feel signs of illness. Photo: Heidi Klokk Several companies experience high levels of sickness absence. It may indicate a change in behaviour, believes Spurkland: – Some of us have gained a little more respect for staying at home and not infecting others. It can probably be imagined that some of the sickness absence is somewhat influenced by what we learned during the pandemic; that if you fall ill with cold symptoms, it is perfectly appropriate not to go to work. She uses herself as an example: – I have never been ill with a self-report due to a cold. Never, never. I’ve gone to work and coughed and sneezed, without being embarrassed. But I am not sure if I will continue with it, says Spurkland. Illness for Christmas and New Year Aavitsland says it is likely that this year’s flu epidemic will arrive towards the end of December. – It is likely that the covid-19 wave will last through December, while the winter’s flu epidemic will arrive in earnest towards the end of the month. So a lot of people get sick over Christmas and the New Year’s weekend, he says. And does he have any advice before Christmas, when many will gather? – The advice is the same as before: stay at home in case of new respiratory symptoms and feeling ill, and if there is a Christmas party, you must in any case stay away from the oldest and weakest, he concludes. Endra immune system Aavitsland says something has happened to Norwegians’ immune system after the corona pandemic. – Two things have happened: Almost everyone has had their immune system boosted against the coronavirus or a bit of it in the vaccine. This means that the risk of serious illness is reduced for most people. Secondly, due to the corona measures, there were fewer other respiratory infections in the winter of 2020–21 and 2021–22. As a result, fewer people were infected then, says Aavitsland to news. During the corona pandemic, we also got less of other respiratory infections because we had strict infection control measures. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB – You write in the report that there has been a marked increase in the proportion of the new covid-19 variant BA 2.86. What can you say about this one? – It is a little better at avoiding our immune system against the coronavirus and therefore has a slight advantage over other variants, but it does not seem to cause worse disease for those who become infected. Better at staying at home We also ask Aavitsland if he thinks people stay at home more when they are ill than they did before. – The main explanation is probably that there are a lot of viruses out there now, but perhaps people have also become better at staying at home when they are really ill. There has probably become more acceptance of this. Before, you would have liked to struggle at work, he replies. He also adds that there are now better opportunities for many people to work from home when they feel quite well, but perhaps previously had been hanging around at work.
