– We felt the house shake – news Vestland

– Never in my wildest imagination did I think it would go so wrong, says Joar Førde about yesterday’s dramatic incident on Måge between Odda and Utne in Vestland county. He and his daughters were evacuated by fire and rescue workers after a massive avalanche of snow and slush thundered down the mountainside – barely 20 meters from their home. This snow and slush avalanche thundered down the mountainside right next to the home of the Førde family. 18-year-old Thea filmed the whole thing. – We felt the house shake and only saw the water splash up the house, says Førde to news. A total of nine people have been evacuated. They are all from the extended family of Førde. Also at Eitrheim outside Odda in Ullensvang, two people in a household have been evacuated. County road 550 is closed after the landslide. A total of 33 road sections in Western Norway are closed as a result of the storm. NVE extends the danger warning for floe, landslides and mudslides on Sunday. Watched excavator drivers get hit by landslides The family at Måge in Ullensvang are tired of landslides around them, but yesterday it got extra bad. This landslide came only twenty meters from the wall of the Førde family’s house. Photo: amund maage – We heard several small crashes, but then it started to slow down a bit more. Often it builds up a bit. Then it will be pure ragnarok, says Roar Førde. Førde’s son and roommate was not at home this Saturday and did not experience any of the drama. The landslide destroyed a power station on its way down the mountainside, and trees snapped like matches when the landslide came. – There were enormous forces at work, he says. The road up to their home has also been demolished. It is unknown how things are going with their house. Daughter Thea (18) filmed the avalanche that thundered past. – The worst thing was seeing an excavator with a driver being swept away by the landslide, says the father of three. Fortunately, the driver was fine, and after a few minutes he limped out of the excavator. It is not known how long the evacuation will last. Mayor of Ullensvang, Roald Aga Haug, says they will take care of all the evacuees. – It has been quite dramatic. I am happy that it went so well and that no lives have been lost, he says. Joar Førde’s extended family were all evacuated on Saturday. Now they are in a hotel until they can go home. From left: Anny and Leif Ola Måge, Joar and Arja Førde, Leif Arne Måge, Thea Førde, Solveig and Lillian Måge. Photo: private What time the evacuees can return home is unknown. But the evacuation will probably last the rest of the day. Shop owner Joar Førde was actually supposed to be open on Sundays today. But instead it will be hotel life at Utne. But he and his daughters Arja (3) and Thea (18) are not complaining: – We get good food and have a good time. The only thing is that I’ve run out of snuff, but that will probably work out, Førde chuckles.
