– We can’t stand any more surprises – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– He is undoubtedly a good leader for Rødt, but we cannot tolerate any more surprises in this matter, says county leader Bridget Penny for Rødt in Hordaland to news. She says that she understands that everyone can make a mistake, and praises the party leader for not explaining the matter away. At the same time, she reacts to poor handling from Moxnes. This applies both in statements to the media and within the party. – I understand that the situation is terribly shameful for him, purely as a human being, but it is not right that he has withheld information within the party, says Penny. Taken with stolen sunglasses in his luggage, Moxnes appeared on Saturday at a press conference in the center of Oslo. There he explained the course of events connected to the case where he was caught for stealing a pair of sunglasses from a shop at Oslo Airport in mid-June. The party leader in Rødt admits that he took the Hugo Boss sunglasses out of the store without paying for them. Bjørnar Moxnes has paid for the glasses and accepted a summons from the police for illegally taking the sunglasses without paying. On Saturday, he gave a detailed account of what happened. Rødt leader Bjørnar Moxnes apologizes that he has not told the full sequence of events related to the sunglasses theft. Among other things, Moxnes admitted that he had changed his explanation after the first statements to the media. Because eventually it emerged that he removed the price tag and put the glasses in his own luggage – instead of returning to the store with them. – I was afraid that there would be a big public scandal that would damage the party. So then I did the indescribably stupid thing and took off the tag and put them in my luggage. People are disappointed about that, and I understand that very well, said Moxnes. Believes that the party cannot stand new rounds The county leader in Hordaland believes that Moxnes must show in practice that he is worthy of the organisation’s trust. Because she does not want mistakes from the party leader to damage politics and the party. – He obviously has to show that he is trustworthy, but I don’t want this to overshadow Rødt’s political work, says Bridget Penny. Bjørnar Moxnes was stopped by a security guard after the store discovered that he had taken sunglasses from a store at Oslo Airport without paying for them. Here he is seen during this year’s national party meeting with another pair of sunglasses on. Photo: Ole Andreas Bø / news She herself believes that the party can put the case behind it if it does not come up again. At the same time, she is worried if new details emerge that Moxnes has not told about. – If this is not the whole story, then we probably can’t take it anymore, she says to news. Central Rødt politicians come out with declarations of confidence On Saturday morning, several central Rødt politicians came out and expressed their confidence in the party leader. Among other things, Storting colleagues Sofie Marhaug and Mímir Kristjánsson published posts on their Facebook profiles in which they made it clear that the actions of the party leader were crazy, illegal and embarrassing, but that they still had confidence in him as leader. Rødt’s Sofie Marhaug and Mímir Kristjánsson went out on Saturday morning and expressed continued confidence in party leader Bjørnar Moxnes. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB The party secretary also told news on Saturday morning that he has confidence in Moxnes as leader. – I had to have a pillow handy when I read his status last night. But I am glad that he has now told the whole story, and it is good that he has made amends. We must have room for human error, and this is primarily very embarrassing for him himself, stated party secretary Reidar Strisland. Deputy chairperson Marie Sneve Martinussen also confirmed to Dagbladet that she thought the case was settled and over since Moxnes has admitted the mistake and paid his fine to the police. news has been in contact with several county leaders in the party on Saturday morning. What they all have in common is that they describe the matter as embarrassing, but that they have full confidence in Moxnes as party leader. Moxnes himself: – Depending on trust in the party, Moxnes himself blamed himself for being embarrassed and ashamed of the whole matter and that he therefore did not inform either party colleagues or the media about the whole truth. When asked if he would now consider retiring, Moxnes replied. – I am dependent on the trust of Rødt to be party leader. It is up to the party and its members to assess, says Moxnes. – But I’m not clinging to the stool, but I haven’t considered resigning.
