We buy unused gift cards for several billion kroner – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

– We are not difficult. If an expired gift card arrives, the most important thing for us is that people get something back for their money, says Vibeke Dahl, general manager of Clinique Cierone. The beauty salon in central Trondheim has a one-year shelf life on its gift cards, which is common with many companies. But many of us don’t remember to use the gift card by then. As many as three out of ten Norwegians state that they do not use their gift cards by the deadline, says Ola Honningdal Grytten, professor at the Norwegian School of Economics. – There may also be a number of hidden figures, so it is quite a lot. Vibeke Dahl says that many people give away gift vouchers for skincare or foot care. Photo: Ingunn M. Groentvedt / IMG Photo Promise to try He estimates that at least NOK 2.5 billion are unused gift cards every year. It corresponds to the sum of 7,000 new Tesla Y Long Range cars. The sum is an estimate of gift cards we do not use, and also those where only part of the sum is used. – And these gift cards, we hide them away and forget, says Honningdal Grytten. And perhaps you have despaired over a gift card that you did not get to use in time. But there can be solutions, according to consumer lawyer at the Consumer Council Nora Wenneberg Gløersen. – If the card has expired, the race has basically been run. But it’s always okay to ask nicely. Do not discard the card until you have checked whether there is hope, even in overtime. Consumer lawyer at the Consumer Council Nora Wenneberg Gløersen. Photo: Forbrukerrådet Desperate customers Many who sell gift cards experience that customers despair if the card has expired. – Those who forget to use the gift card call us and ask what they should do now. They are so afraid that the sum has been lost, says Kirsten Schultz. She is general manager at Midtbyen Management in Trondheim. They have a gift card that can be used in several shops in the city centre, as many Norwegian cities have. If the Midtby Card is not used, the money is returned to those who issue the card, says Kirsten Schultz. Photo: Stein Roar Leite / news Schultz can tell customers who call that the money is not necessarily gone. The gift card can be renewed for a fee of NOK 100. – That’s what’s so funny, because actually they call like this: what should I do? She says that customers are surprised and satisfied when she tells them that the card can be renewed. – They are very bored, and then we can say that everything is going well. The Midtbykortet is valid for three years, and can be renewed for a fee. Photo: Anne Valvatne Used up thousand notes Many turn to the Consumer Council if they have an unused gift card lying around. Wenneberg Gløersen says that those who make contact are in despair because they have received a value of up to several thousand kroner that they cannot use. – And it’s sad, she says. The consumer lawyer also thinks the number of unused gift cards is too high. – It is completely tragic. These are high values ​​that would have come in handy in the individual consumer economy. We must manage to avoid this. Would like to extend the expiry time Several have advocated making changes. Earlier this year, SV put forward a proposal to, among other things, extend the expiry date on gift cards to three years. The proposal was voted down, but the government was asked to look at other measures such as making the expiry date better visible on the card. Honningdal Grytten, on the other hand, believes that this is not necessarily a good idea. He points out that this can become a sleeping pillow for those who get the gift card, because they think they have better time and thus forget about it. – A gift card that has a short shelf life is much more likely to be put in your wallet or mobile phone and then used, he says. Professor at the Norwegian School of Economics Ola Honningdal Grytten. Photo: Helge Skodvin / Press photo
