– We are proud of Narges Mohammadi – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– Narges Mohammadi is a courageous role model, she is our pride. – But we have thousands of women like her in Iran, who are unknown in the world, but who have survived torture, says Mojgan Eftekhar, Jina Amini’s mother to news. She makes a call to the world to do more for the women of Iran. – Our soul is broken. A greater job must be done for all women in Iran. Their voices must also be heard. – Now you must ensure that Narges does not die in prison. The mother says that the peace prize winner represents all Iranian women. – Now the West must work to get her released from prison. First make sure she doesn’t die there. We have high expectations of you now. They are crushing her in prison, will this award help her? She asks rhetorically. Mohammadi has been imprisoned 13 times and convicted five times. In total, she has been sentenced to 31 years in prison and 154 lashes. Photo: Reuters Jina “Mahsa” Amini died while in police custody last year, just days after she was arrested. The death led to months of demonstrations against the authorities, with many women throwing away their shawls in protest. This was the biggest wave of opposition in the country in several years. Jina Amini in the hospital in Tehran before she died. – I don’t know why they killed Jina Amini was a 22-year-old Kurd. She was arrested by the morality police for violating the strict dress code for women, which came into force shortly after the revolution in 1979. – Mohammadi is in prison for Jina. I can’t do anything to help her, it gives me a bad conscience, says Mojgan. She says the family is under great pressure and is grieving the loss of their daughter. – I don’t know why they killed Jina, I’ll never know. Jina was a role model for everyone, both in the way she behaved and her character as a person, says the mother. She goes on to say that she believes God is taking revenge on Jina’s behalf. – The god of Jina and me is different from the priestly regime. He is bigger. I have told him, “Dear God, I give Jina to you. Take care of her.” I have thrown away the God of the imams, adds Eftekhar. Despite the mandate to wear headscarves, many young women in Tehran go bareheaded. Photo: AFP The “Woman, Life, Freedom” protests in Iran The “Woman, Life, Freedom” protests are the powerful demonstrations in Iran that arose in the fall of 2022, when the Kurdish-Iranian woman Mahsa Jina Amini died after being in the morality police’s custody. Amini’s death sparked anger and frustration among large sections of the Iranian population, with women and young people in particular taking to the streets to demonstrate. “Woman, life, freedom” became a common slogan in the protests. The protest movement is the largest since the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979. During the autumn of 2022, the protests developed to include demands for regime change in the country. Source: Great Norwegian Lexicon
