– We are full of grief – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– This day we were to celebrate love and color the streets in the colors of the rainbow. Instead, we are full of grief, said Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre. Two people have been killed after shots were fired at the nightclubs Per on the corner and the London Pub at the Oslo courthouse on Saturday night. Ten people are seriously injured and eleven are slightly injured. – Once again, Norway has been hit by a brutal attack on innocent people, says Støre. Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre, Minister of Justice and Emergency Management Emilie Enger Mehl. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB – When the perpetrator started shooting, the world changed from happiness, laughter and love, to hatred, bullets and murder. Our thoughts go to those who last night lost someone they love. To those who are injured and those who today feel scared and vulnerable. – Even though we do not know if the queer environment was the target, we know that the queer environment is the victim, says the Prime Minister. – We are a community – If this is Islamist terror, many Muslims will feel vulnerable today and in the time ahead. We know that many Muslims are desperate. Then it is our responsibility to make it clear that no one other than those behind the attack is responsible, says the Prime Minister. – Let there be no doubt. We are a community. A diverse community. We will never be intimidated into silence or give up our values. Minister of Justice: Be vigilant Together with the Prime Minister, is also Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Mehl (Sp). – The police’s advice is to behave as normal, but be vigilant. All police districts have been commissioned to make additional assessments, and put in place measures and strengthen efforts if necessary, says Minister of Justice Mehl. The case is being investigated as an act of terrorism. – It’s pointless that we lost lives last night. Many made great efforts to save lives. Several civilians contributed to the arrest. They contributed with life-saving efforts to the injured, says the Minister of Justice. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB – Last night the rainbow was colored black – Last night my friends were shot after and innocent people were killed. We were in the process of celebrating the times. We were filled with love and freedom. But last night the rainbow was colored black. Minister of Culture and Gender Equality Anette Trettebergstuen was strongly influenced at the press conference on Saturday. – It is more dangerous for queers to go home from the city than others. Our inboxes are filled with hatred. Some people think that queer lives are less valuable than others, said Trettebergstuen, who is himself gay. – Today is the day to put our arms around each other in despair and understanding in grief. We have to take care of each other. – We are more here in Norway who love, than those who hate. Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre, Minister of Justice and Emergency Management Emilie Enger Mehl and Minister of Culture and Gender Equality Anette Trettebergstuen are all dressed in black after the shooting on Saturday night. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB «An extreme Islamist terrorist act» The police security service (PST) raises the terror threat level and considers the mass shooting in Oslo night to Saturday as an extreme Islamist terrorist act. – We consider the shooting as an extreme Islamist terrorist act. Efforts are being made to clarify the degree of ideological motivation and affiliation with other extremists or associated networks, said acting PST chief Roger Berg at a press conference. Zaniar Matapour (42) is charged with the murders in central Oslo. He has previously been convicted of several offenses and is known by PST. He has previously been convicted of aggravated assault and possession of drugs. Photo: Private HvaTo nightclubs and a fast food restaurant in Oslo were attacked by a perpetrator on the night of Saturday 25 June. Who A 42-year-old man is charged with assault. He was known to PST before. The police are investigating whether there was terror, and the man is charged with terrorist acts. This has happened on Saturday, at 01.14 In a twitter message, the police write that several shots have been fired at a nightclub in central Oslo. The shots are said to have been fired at 01.15 on Saturday night. Witnesses say people are panicking from the scene. Reporters from both news and NTB confirm that there are shots at the nightclub London pub in Rosenkrantz gate. Saturday, at 01.19A person is arrested near Rosenkrantz gate. There are large police forces on site, and ambulance personnel are helping the injured. – It was a bit dramatic, it was a run after him down the street where he was arrested, said task leader Tore Barstad in the Oslo police district. Later, the police will inform that civilians helped arrest the man who is charged with murder and terrorist acts. Saturday, at 01.47 Police say two people were killed and several injured in the shooting. The incident is defined as a PLIVO incident, which is an incident where life-threatening violence is taking place. Saturday, at 02.02Oslo University Hospital increases emergency preparedness after the shooting in Oslo. Saturday, at 02.2121 are injured, and eight of them are transported to hospital with unclear extent of damage. Police also say that there are three crime scenes – the home of many of Oslo’s queer, London pub, a fast food restaurant, and Per on the corner. About 40 witnesses gather at Thon Hotel Rosenkrantz and are questioned by the police. Saturday, at 03.12 The police say there is probably only one perpetrator behind the attack on the three Oslo nightclubs. Pride management puts in crisis staff after the attack. They search the man’s home and begin investigations at the scene. Saturday, at 04.30 London pub writes about the shooting on its Facebook pages. They confirm that all employees are unharmed and safe. – The shooting tonight is absolutely terrible and pure evil. Our thoughts go to the dead, injured and relatives, the nightclub writes. Saturday, at 05.02 At the scene, people with rainbow flags spontaneously gather in a quiet celebration. – We will not put away the flags, we will not hide the love and love of whoever you want, says Sigmund Nilsen Myre to NTB. Saturday, at 06.16 Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre calls the attack appalling. – My thoughts go to the victims and their relatives. We do not yet know what was behind this terrible act, but to queers who are now scared and in grief, I want to say that we are all with you in this, says Støre in a statement to NTB. Saturday, at 08.34After recommendation from the police cancels the Oslo Pride parade which was to break loose on Saturday. Oslo is usually filled with colors and partying during the parade. This year, the celebration must take place at home. – Now we will follow the police’s recommendations and take care of each other. Warm thoughts and love go to relatives, the injured and others affected, says Inger Kristin Haugsevje and Inge Alexander Gjestvang. They are respectively leader of Oslo Pride and leader of FRI – the Association for Gender and Sexuality Diversity. – We will soon be proud and visible again , but right today we will hold and share the pride celebrations from home. Saturday, at 09.05 A man is charged with murder, attempted murder and terrorist acts. He is 42, and previously convicted of aggravated assault and possession of drugs. In 1999, he was first sentenced to 10 months in prison for stabbing at a nightclub. When the appeal went to the Court of Appeal, he was acquitted on several of the charges. He is already known to PST, and the police are now investigating whether he may have been radicalized in recent years, news is informed. The police are also investigating whether mental illness may be behind the mass shooting in central Oslo. Saturday, at 10.59Oslo municipality puts in crisis staff, and is considering implementing measures after the attack in central Oslo. – Today we were to celebrate love, freedom and diversity. Many had looked forward to having a fantastic parade through Oslo city center. The Pride parade has now been canceled and Pride Park closed. It is incredibly sad, but necessary and happens on the advice of the police, says Oslo’s mayor, Marianne Borgen, to Avisa Oslo. In Oslo, people flock with flowers and rainbow flags to mark the killings that happened the night before. Saturday, at 11.06 Police Director Benedicte Bjørnland sends out an order to arm all emergency personnel. The decision was made after the incident in Oslo on the night of June 25. – Based on information from PST and the Oslo police district, we have therefore decided to introduce temporary armaments. I want to express great sympathy with those who are directly affected by what has happened in Oslo, and all those who now feel a fear, says Bjørnland in a press release. Saturday, at 12.49 Oslo Cathedral and several other churches in the capital open their doors after the mass shooting night to Saturday. Politicians, the Sami Parliament, and Pride in several other cities express solidarity with those affected in Oslo. Saturday, at 13.40 An estimated several thousand people meet for spontaneous Pride trains in Greenland. – The fight continues, the participants shout in the train. The times are approximate and taken from the news feeds to NTB, news, VG and the Oslo police’s Twitter account, in addition to information from the police.
