– We are completely devastated – news Buskerud – Local news, TV and radio

– How are we doing? We are absolutely devastated. We lost the best of us. There have been many sleepless nights. I’ve actually been lying down and crying, says Even Holth. – But we try to make the best of it. Thinks about the children, the children’s father and that side as much as possible, adds his friend Tomas Fjeld. Maybe a few tears push forward from behind the lens of the sunglasses as they speak. They have mournful smiles. Voices full of sadness, yet warm with admiration for her who is no longer here. On Sunday evening, Lise Camilla Wærstad (30) was killed in Mjøndalen. She was pronounced dead at the scene after being subjected to a violent incident outside the sports hall in Mjøndalen on Sunday evening. A man in his late 20s has been charged and remanded in custody for the crime. He pleads guilty. Wærstad leaves behind two minor children. Lise Camilla Wærstad was killed in a car park in Mjøndalen. Photo: Private A void that cannot be filled Lise Camilla Wærstad was a vocalist in the band Modern Vintage together with Fjeld (band leader and guitarist) and Holth (bassist). They light candles and have made a heart of stone in the car park by the sports hall. Then they hold each other. The band colleagues mourn Lise together. Photo: Maria Kommandantvold / news The loss is great. An inalienable person has suddenly been taken away. Bandmate and best friend. – We have known each other for over 15 years. Have cried, laughed and celebrated together. Yes, what all best friends do. We have many incredibly good memories, says Fjeld, who will try to hold on to those good memories now: – Even though something absolutely horrible has happened. Wærstad leaves a void. Something that cannot be replaced, the friends agree. – We are not going to try to fill it either, notes Holth. They should rather honor her memory. Speak warmly of the kind-hearted friend who was always there. Who always showed up, through thick and thin. – If you had something you needed to talk about, it was never a problem. She always sat and waited for you, says Fjeld before adding: – No, the world has become a colder place because she has passed away. Organizes a concert in support of the children When atrocities strike you, life is put on pause. This also applies to the band. – What we are focusing on now is getting over this. Let the sorrows subside a little. There will be a break, but we will still get together – the whole band. It is during this time that we must stand together the most. But it will be a difficult period, says Holth. People and acquaintances have traveled to the place, just where the murder took place, to honor and remember Lise. Stones with Lise’s name are placed side by side on the lawn. Lanterns are lit. Dull rays of sunlight fall down, leaving a shimmer of gold between flowers and small cards with greetings that flap gently in the summer breeze. Many have left greetings at the square close to where the murder took place. Photo: Anders Haualand / news – It is a reflection of how beautiful she was. But she deserves more. – Is it good to come here? – It is powerful. But until we have a burial ground, we must have somewhere to go. We’re not getting any closer, say the comrades. A memorial concert is planned to honor her memory. This will take place at the Olsen pub on the corner in Mjøndalen on 27 July. – We have played there several times, many associate us with being there. The entire music community in Drammen and the surrounding area has offered to perform. We will make it an all-day programme. All profits and income go to the children. They deserve it. Published 20.06.2024, at 15.55
