Waste facility in Drammen evacuated after discovery of ampoules – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

The emergency services are at the Lindum waste facility in Drammen after finding several ampoules. Smoke seeps out of several of the ampoules. Work is now underway to verify the contents of the ampoules. Two of the employees who have been exposed to the smoke from the ampoules are now being seen by health personnel. Pål Smits, managing director at Lindum waste facility, says that the area where the ampoules were found is rented by Norsk Gjenvinning. Managing director at Lindum waste facility, Pål Smits – Two people have been taken to hospital for further examination. We will then keep the facility completely closed until further notice to be safe, says Smits. Smits says that there is a long distance to the nearest neighbour. He therefore believes there is no danger to the surroundings. Nevertheless, the entire facility is closed until further notice. He says that the police have made the decision with safety in mind. Two people ended up in hospital after being exposed to smoke from ampoules. Photo: Caroline Bækkelund Hauge / news – There will be an update on our website about this along the way, says Smits. He says that he does not know what might be in the ampoules, but that many different actors deliver waste to Norsk Gjenvinning. Communications manager at Norsk Gjenvinning Bim Cornelia Kase says that they are cooperating with the police about the incident. Photo: Private Communications Manager at Norsk Gjenvinning, Bim Cornelia Kase writes this in a message to news: “As of now, we do not have any information about the incident other than that we are working with the police to find the source. You must get further information from the police. We will subsequently investigate the cause in order to learn from the incident and introduce measures if we deem it necessary.” The case is updated.
