Was told about “Negro work” in an interview: – No discrimination

During a job interview, Finans Norge used the term “Negro work”. It is not discriminatory against the person who was interviewed, the Discrimination Board believes. It was Wahid Shah who filed the case, after a bad experience during an interview. – I would say that I am surprised, says Shah to news. He is happy that the Discrimination Board nevertheless states that it is unacceptable to use words such as “negro work”, even if they believe it is not discrimination or harassment. Wahid Shah hopes that the case can serve as a reminder to society. – I would like to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to be aware of language and attitudes, and to stand together in the fight against discrimination. – It is negro work Shah had applied for a job as a lawyer in Finans Norge. After two rounds of interviews, he had only good experiences, but that changed in the third round. Three people from Finans Norge participated during the interview. About halfway through the conversation, Shah asked about typical tasks on the job. The answer from one employee in Finans Norge is something he will not soon forget. – At Finans Norge, as usual, we have some exciting tasks and other times tasks that are a chore. Sometimes we have tasks that are… What should I call it? It is negro work. According to the complaint, the person saw Shah’s reaction and said she meant it “in a positive way.” The tribunal: – No violation The tribunal believes this is not discrimination on the grounds of ethnicity. The reason is that they believe it had no concrete meaning for Wahid Shah. – The tribunal cannot therefore see that Shah was directly treated worse than others by the fact that Finans Norge AS described certain tasks as “negro work” during the interview, the decision states. In the decision, the tribunal writes that they understand how the use of the word “negro work” may have negatively affected Wahid Shah during the interview. But there is no reason to believe that the use of words influenced the kind of impression Finans Norge got of him. – On the contrary, it is highlighted that Finans Norge thought Shah did a good third interview, they write further. Under strong doubt, they have also concluded that the use of words cannot be seen as harassment either. The tribunal nevertheless believes that the company breached its obligation to provide information. Shah asked for information about the person who was offered the job, but did not receive it. Unacceptable use of words Although the use of words was neither discriminatory nor harassing in the sense of the law, the tribunal nevertheless believes that such words should not be used. The Director of the Discrimination Board, Ashan Nishantha, believes this type of word in working life is unacceptable. – I therefore hope that the actors in working life take this decision to heart, and understand how serious it is if you choose to use this type of expression in the future. Sorry for the incident Finans Norge has previously apologized for the incident. They say the wording is not representative of them, and say it is unacceptable. Director of Information at Finance Norway, Tom Staavi. Photo: CF Wesenberg / Finans Norge Shocked by the use of words To E24, which first mentioned the job interview, Shah said that he was unsure if he heard correctly. – I just thought “Negro work”, is that what I’m supposed to do? What is it? How is the racism policy? Can I enjoy myself here now? You can only imagine. I am dark, from Greenland and raised with friends who are dark-skinned. The interview was in January 2022. The following month, Shah decided to send a complaint to the Discrimination Board. – I feel that I not only took this fight for myself, but for many others who have experienced similar situations, he says.
