Was threatened with death on the train – the police dropped the case – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– He behaved threateningly and seemed to have enormous delusions, says Daniel Saur about a man he observed on the train home last year. The family was on their way home from a Saturday night at Vika cinema in Oslo. By train they went in the direction of Upper Romerike, and the atmosphere was relaxed. Eventually a drunken man comes towards the family. The perpetrator talks to them, and says: – It does not help to look at me. Then he sits down. Said he had weapons and shots at home – Do not sit here then, my daughter is sitting here, says Daniel Saur to the man. – I do what I want, the man answers. They get scared and try to stay calm. – What’s funny you know, with people like meat, is that I have AG3 at home with 2000 shots, the man says during the conversation. AG3 is a machine gun that is used in the Armed Forces, among other places. SCARE THE FAMILY: The perpetrator said he had this automatic rifle called AG3 at home. Photo: Bendiksby, Terje / Scanpix Mentioned the Kongsberg murders: – I kill you The stranger talks on to the family, and mentions the murders in Kongsberg. – In Kongsberg he could not do shit. He where pussy managed to shoot five pieces. Killed five pieces with his bow and knife. Think of me then, says the perpetrator as he sits in front of the family. He then emphasizes that he has a machine gun. Along the way, the man does something that the family perceives as threatening movements. The daughter is filming the incident. THREATS: – I do what I want, says the man and shows the fist to Daniel Saur. Photo: Helene Welo Saur – He leaned forward towards me with his fist. He further said that I could do as I pleased and that he was merciless. He repeated several times that he was ruthless, says Saur. Finally, the man gets up, slams his hand against the door of the next train carriage and disappears on. – I’ll kill you, he says. Reported the case to the police Daniel Saur reports the incident that happened on November 6, 2021 on behalf of himself, his daughter Helene Welo Saur (15) and his wife Olena Shuliakova. July 7, 2022, they get answers. The case is closed, and Daniel Saur decides to appeal the closure. AFRAID OF THE FAMILY: Olena Shuliakova, Daniel Saur and Helene Welo Saur who were threatened with death on the train on their way home from the cinema. Photo: Private The police justify the suspension on the grounds that they do not have “sufficient information to identify the perpetrator (s)”. It is stated in a letter news has been given access to. news has asked the police what information they lack when they have received a video of the man in question. The police do not respond directly to this. – The police have received a complaint about the suspension, and we will now assess the complaint according to ordinary complaint routines. It will therefore not be appropriate to comment on the case further until it has been processed. The responsible police attorney will follow up the complaint, says acting section leader Kristine Bu in the Eastern police district. Feels scared Daniel Saur is stunned by the reasons given to the police. That the perpetrator goes free worries him. – I am scared, because I have to sit and watch the Eastern police district and PST accept this kind of behavior, Saur says to news. He is particularly upset on behalf of his daughter and wife. – I do not know how to explain it, but it is an unbearable pain for me. Just the thought of something happening to them. news does not know if PST has had anything to do with the case, but Saur points out that PST has been put in a copy of an e-mail about the case. – I do not accept the outcome of this and the closure. I do not think it’s okay at all. ON THE TRAIN: Daniel Saur and his wife Olena Shuliakova on a much nicer train ride. Witness called police – nothing happened A witness to the incident was shocked by the man on the train. – I perceived him as threatening. I was shocked by his behavior. It is far above what one can expect on public transport. The witness called the police while the incident was going on. But the police did not perceive the situation as threatening, the person in question says. – It’s too bad, he says. The witness wishes to remain anonymous. news knows the identity. Reacts to police handling Per-Willy Amundsen (Frp) reacts to such a case being dropped, especially because the man claims to have a weapon. – In light of all the shootings, stabbings and murders in recent years related to psychiatry, it seems hair-raising that the police do not investigate such an incident, especially when the evidence is so clear, says Amundsen who is head of the justice committee in the Storting. Per-Willy Amundsen is the justice policy spokesperson in Frp and chair of the justice committee in the Storting. Photo: Bjørn Inge Bergestuen / Progress Party There may be two reasons Professor Mareile Kaufmann does not want to comment on the police’s assessment in this specific case. She believes, however, that there may be several reasons why the police close cases with private recordings as evidence. – The first may be that the police can not confirm that the material is genuine, or that there are several angles that can confirm the recording or what is shown. Mareile Kaufmann is a professor at UiO’s Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law. Photo: University of Oslo In addition, she says that recordings made by people are treated differently than official recordings, for example from a train company. – The second is privacy considerations in relation to those who are depicted. Private admissions are subject to other rules than official admissions on means of transport, says Kaufmann who works at UiO’s Department of Criminology and Forensic Sociology.
