Was hanged as a murderer – news Østfold – Local news, TV and radio

The case summarized A man in his 30s was hanged as a murderer after a man in his 20s died in Moss in March. The man in his 30s was arrested after the incident, charged with having made threats before the death. Now the police refute the murder allegation. The investigation has also not revealed any threat situation. The man in his 30s is charged with having left the deceased and another man in his 20s in a helpless state. He denies criminal guilt. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAI. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. In March this year, a man in his 20s died after falling from the roof of a building in Moss. A man in his 30s was arrested after the incident, charged with threats against the deceased and another man in his 20s prior to the death. – There is nothing to indicate that we can conclude that there has been a threatening situation, says police attorney Anders Svarholt to news. The police have therefore dropped the threat charge against the man in his 30s, around three months after the death. Shortly after the death, candles were lit and flowers laid at the place of the fall. Photo: Even Bjøringsøy Johnsen / news Now he is instead charged with having left the two men in their 20s in a helpless state, when they ended up on the roof of the building. It is not known why the two ended up on the roof. The man in his 30s denies criminal responsibility. This is stated by his defender Haakon Åsli Skogstad. – He believes that there was no merit in the previous charge of threats, and he equally believes that there is no merit in the current charge. The man in his 20s fell from the roof of this building on March 13 this year. Photo: Lars Håkon Pedersen / news Was hanged as a murderer Shortly after the man in his 20s died, the accused was hanged as a murderer with his name and picture in social media. In the post, it was alleged that the accused pushed the deceased so that he fell from the roof. There is nothing in the police’s investigation to suggest that it entails correctness, according to police attorney Svarholt. – On the contrary, we believe that the person in question has not had such a role. Police prosecutor Anders Svarholt is responsible for prosecuting the case. Photo: Christian Nygaard-Monsen / news It was a family member of the deceased who made the allegations, based on what he had been told by others. The post was not deleted until defender Skogstad reported the family member who had posted it. – There has never been any evidence in this case that my client is a murderer. There has been quite a large and serious push against him, with characters of private law enforcement, which is not good at all. The accused received a number of threats after he was hanged as a murderer, according to the defender. This led to him finally choosing to move from Moss. – We must let the police investigate criminal cases, and be careful not to say anything about what has happened, before the police have concluded, says Skogstad. Believes the accused contributed to the death – The family member published a post on Facebook based on the information the person was given at the time. That is what deputy attorney Victoria Westrum writes in an e-mail to news. She represents the survivors in collaboration with lawyer John Christian Elden. The police have given the family member a waiver of prosecution for the murder claim. This means that the police believe the family member has done something criminal, but that they do not see the need to press charges. – The deceased’s family has always been of the opinion that the accused contributed to their son’s death. The fact that the police now also seem to be of the opinion that the accused could have prevented the death is a relief for the family, writes Westrum in the e-mail. Deputy attorney Victoria Westrum represents the bereaved. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB The investigation is nearing its end The deceased, another man in his 20s and the accused were in an apartment in the building in question on the same morning as the death. The police went out early and said that they suspected that a threatening situation had arisen in the apartment before the deceased and the other man in his 20s ended up on the roof. Based on the investigation, the police now believe that there has been no question of a threatening situation. – These are three men who have had a friendship. We know that the atmosphere was good among these relatively short time before this happened. Then something happened on the tamp there which probably caused the situation to change. – Do you know what could have caused the situation to change? – Yes, we have received information about that. Both from the person who was brought down from the roof and the person who lived in the apartment, says Svarholt. He does not want to go into more detail about what led to the change in mood, for the sake of the investigation, which is nearing its end. – The bereaved are now waiting for the further investigation to get an answer as to whether the accused also had an active role in the death, as well as prior to the suspension, writes Deputy Attorney Victoria Westrum. Published 11.06.2024, at 17.41
