Was caught with 20 kilos of hashish in the gas tank – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

On 18 October this year, a Norwegian-registered car with two men was stopped when they arrived in Kristiansand on a Color Line ferry. After a short conversation with them, it was decided to send the car into the inspection hall for further inspection, the customs agency writes in a press release. – There is something in this conversation that the officials react to, and feel like taking an extra look at this car, says section chief Helge Breilid in the border division/Oslofjord/Kristiansand to news. This is what it looked like in the gas tank of the car. Photo: Customs The dogs reacted Car and luggage were searched with a drug dog. The dog showed interest in the back seat of the car. – When we get such clear results from the dog in that area, and there is nothing in the back seat, then it was just a matter of digging down, says section chief Breilid. The seats were unscrewed and the officers then gained access to the inspection hatch of the fuel tank. The customs officials used a hand-held X-ray machine. With that, it could look like there were foreign bodies in the fuel tank, the customs agency writes. – When the inspection hatch was opened, several vacuum packs were seen in the fuel tank. The packages were taken out and counted up to 67 packages of what is probably hashish. A total of 20.1 kg of hashish. – We then called the police, and crime technicians came to the scene, says Breilid. Section chief Helge Breilid in the border division/Oslofjord/Kristiansand Photo: Victoria Marie Nordahl / news Under investigation The persons were handed over to the police, arrested and remanded in custody. The two have status as accused. They are charged with a serious drug offense or complicity in this. The case is still under investigation, informs deputy police officer Maren Sundberg Fidjeland in the Agder police district.
