Warns of temperatures of up to 30 degrees – news Vestland

Large parts of southern Norway have already experienced fine summer days, with temperatures above 20 degrees. It is still only a foretaste of what lies ahead. During the next few days, several places in Austlandet can expect temperatures of up to 30 degrees, according to meteorologist on duty, Julie Solsvik Vågane. – I won’t say for sure that it will be exactly 30, but it will be up to those temperatures, she says. Thus, it is not inconceivable that it could be the first tropical day of the year, which means temperatures of at least 30 degrees. The last week has been the first high summer day of the year in several places in southern Norway, which means that it has been 25 degrees or warmer. – Has summer fully arrived yet? – Yes, we can say that. The swimming season is already underway in Drøbak. There will be more. Photo: Laila Wilhelmsen This weekend there have been similar temperatures to Barcelona and Nice in some places. The town of Nesbyen in Viken, for example, had a daytime temperature of 25.1 degrees. In recent years, there have been similar warm periods in June. Also in 2018, the heat came with full force in June in Oslo, with tropical nights and temperatures above 30 degrees. – The abnormal has become more normal, says Vågane. Sunny in the west – cold in the north The westerners will also get a lot of sun and fine weather in the next week, even if the temperatures will be somewhat lower than in the east. – It is difficult to compete with those temperatures. Voss in Vestland, for example, had 23.6 degrees on Sunday and the good weather will continue throughout the week. In Ulvik in Hardanger there is a summer atmosphere. Photo: Bodil Helen Høyland The difference comes in Trøndelag, where it gets significantly cooler further north. The meteorologist says Trøndelag is at the crossroads, with particularly good or bad weather, while there will be more precipitation and stronger cities further north. In Finnmark, the snow limit is now at 300 to 500 metres. In Nordland too, snow may have fallen above 500 to 700 metres. This means that motorists should be careful on slippery roads if they are going to drive at altitude, on various mountain passes. The “comfort” for the northerners must be that the heat will probably come at the weekend. – There will be a kind of northern Norwegian summer, at least as it looks now. Enjoy the summer Students at Høgskulen på Vestlandet in Sogndal greatly appreciate the sun and warmth that is coming now, despite the fact that they are in the middle of a hectic exam period. – That’s delicious! I’m really looking forward to the summer. I hibernate in the winter, says Anders Leonard Wøien. Students in Sogndal are happy about the sun despite the fact that they are in the middle of the exam period. In the picture are Anders Leonard Wøien, Vilde Folgesvold Lovra, Julie Enoksen Arntzen, Marko Borojevic. Photo: Ingeborg Grindheim Slinde / news The students that news meets are studying landscape planning. This means that they actually get to be outside for a while during the group exam, which partly takes place in a park. – It’s nice, we can control it a bit ourselves. Then we can be out even more, says Vilde Fölgesvold Lovra. Great risk of forest fire In recent days, warnings about the risk of forest fire have been gradually expanded. On Monday, the earlier warning was further extended to include parts of Rogaland and the southern part of Hordaland. Parts of Austlandet, Agder and southern parts of Rogaland now have an orange warning, according to varsom.no. The forest fire danger map was updated on Monday. Screenshot from varsom.no. Photo: Skjermdump / Varsom.no There is also a yellow warning for other parts of southern Norway. – The high temperatures are pleasant for people who are going to bathe and bask in the sun. But considering the vegetation that is only getting drier and drier, it is unfortunate that we have such a long drought. It is not unlikely that there will be a forest fire warning for new areas in the next few days. – Old grass from the winter is particularly dry and easy to burn. Then it takes little for it to catch fire, quite simply.
